Time to find the wild elderberry

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It’s flowering time in Wisconsin now. Good time to get out and map the wild bushes for harvest later.
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I have been doing just that for the last two weeks. Elderberry is on the list this year.

I found a spot with at least 20 large bushes right next to a small business parking lot. If I can get permission to harvest them it would probably be all I need.
I found a spot with at least 20 large bushes right next to a small business parking lot. If I can get permission to harvest them it would probably be all I need.

The business might not be opposed to you digging them up and taking them. Depends on if they think they are a nuisance or not.
I found a spot with at least 20 large bushes right next to a small business parking lot. If I can get permission to harvest them it would probably be all I need.
I'm sure that will be enough unless you want to make commercial quantities... I have a single bush that gave me 35lb last year, enough for a 7 gallon batch and I think there is even more fruit on it this year...

Here in N California my European cultivar is well into fruting, thought there are still flowers on my American cultivar.
The business might not be opposed to you digging them up and taking them. Depends on if they think they are a nuisance or not.
They are huge bushes. 10’ tall at least. I have several small ones and was going to sprout some stems next year to plant by the marsh where they will get full sun. They seem to like wet feet… not in swamps but often right on the edge.

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