Tips for making cab

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Jun 26, 2022
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Hi all, I have been making Pinot for a few years but recently came into a 1/4 ton
Of nice Napa valley Cabernet grapes. They were crushed two days ago and have just begun fermenting. I was wondering when the best time to press would be…at the end of fermentation or maybe a few days later? When to add malolactic? Any other differences in making cab vs Pinot?
My fermentation seems to be going super slowly compared to my Pinot…gone from 26 to 21 in five days. Using rockpile yeast. I guess slow is good as long as it keeps going?
What sort of vessel(s) are they in and what is the temperature? In order to get good fermentation and extraction you may need to get the temp up. Aquarium heaters are good, just be sure to switch them off before you take them out for punchdowns etc, otherwise they'll get fried...

Also agree with @Nebbiolo020, do you have a nutrition plan? I would have done my first Fermaid-O addition around 23 brix.
What sort of vessel(s) are they in and what is the temperature? In order to get good fermentation and extraction you may need to get the temp up. Aquarium heaters are good, just be sure to switch them off before you take them out for punchdowns etc, otherwise they'll get fried...

Also agree with @Nebbiolo020, do you have a nutrition plan? I would have done my first Fermaid-O addition around 23 brix.
I like Fermaid K or Nutristart from Laffort never particularly liked Fermaid O.

I would do a dose at around pitching, a dose later on before halfway point if it still has issues. Rockpile can stick if it’s too cold it tends to like to run a bit hotter.

Just to bounce off what you said we ferment in our macrobins at the winery then press and let settle in tanks and then pump out and clean tanks and pump back in and let malo rip.

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