I would agree with most of it. Most people don't know about cooling a red slightly, but I also think it depends on the red. Some are soft enough, that 70F is fine. I would also say that there are many reds that can age, although he did say some need it. My father likes to get a case of wild horse merlot a year. He drinks about a case from years earlier and stops when it's out, or sometimes before to get more age. Has another the next year. He's got them as old as 2004 now and they are still getting better.
One big thing I would say about #10 is that many people just don't know how to drink wine. Most of them are younger adults, but many people take a larger drink and swallow quick. If you really want to taste wine, you sip, breathe a little and slowly swallow. It slows the speed of tastes down, so you can get all the complexities. The other thing is if you drink too fast, you taste more acidity and then more alcohol on the end. It's a lose, lose drinking it fast. I would agree that you don't need to know much about wine to enjoy it, but you do need to know how to drink it.
Lastly, getting some air or even shaking a bottle can help on some wines. I have noticed many commercial wines have carbonation/bubbling, some more than others.
Saying most of this stuff on here though, is like preaching to the choir. lol