I am in the midst of a blackberry wine fermentation. It's a one gallon batch, however, the first racking into secondary fermentation shows about 2 1/2 cups of headroom in the 1 gallon carboy. It's not an issue now that it's still fermenting, however, when fermentation is completed I am going to need to top it off. I know I can displace it with marbles or move it into a smaller jug, but I am interested in suggestions on what I can use to top it off. So, my question is what should I top it off with? If it was less headroom, I would use distilled water, but 2 1/2 cups is a lot on a one-gallon batch to use water, right? If I use a store-bought blackberry juice, should it be from concentrate or not from concentrate? Anything else about using a store-bought juice I should look out for? Any recommendations on what to use overall? I would prefer to keep it a pure blackberry flavor, so topping with a red or white wine is not my preference. I would really appreciate your thoughts on this. Thanks very much!!