Trying To Get Caught back Up

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Senior Member
Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score
Awwww , you mean nobody even missed me ?

Well, My wife's Aunt died unexpectedly last Wednesday and we headed to Krum, Texas early Friday and just got back a bit ago. I had carried a few bottles with me in hopes of maybe getting to see Trashy while there as we actually stayed in Denton but alas he is not listed in the directory so they are now being consumed by a bunch of good ole boys from Krum. So I am trying to view active topics for the last 2 days and all it will show me is from early this morning. I can select 2 days, a week, month or whatever I want but as soon as I click on Active topics again it reverts back to this morning. Maybe it is a glitch in Firefox. My Internet Explorer has quit for some strange reason. I have tried everything, Uninstalled SP2 for Vista, Uninstalled Ver. 8 of Explorer and nothing seems to work. It just opens to a blank page and will go no further.
Any ideas anyone??
Welcome back there buddy, Ive been astray a bit lso as I have family here from Michigan here but they went to see some other family today so I have a little free time now. I have also run into that problem quite a bit although usually on my wine forum which I admin and usually resort to using the go back button instead of the forum active topics button. Sorry to hear of your loss and Trashy's loss
for missing that wine.
I was here so little the last few days I didn't even know you weren't here Waldo! I checked in briefly a couple times a day to make sure there were no emergencies and then got to work.

Sorry for your loss in the family.

I don't have any ideas Waldo about the Active Topics problem. I haven't seen it at all myself.
Sorry for your loss too Waldo. Hope the trip back was smooth. I been working, but I had noticed you haven't posted. I almost asked:


Sorry for the loss of your wife's aunt. Glad to have you back on the forum.
Sorry for your loss. As for computer help I'm no help Remember I am the worlds most computer illiterate person LOL
I know nothing about Vista Waldo. Well I do know its got a lot of buggy problems. AS for the IE 8 just keep using Firefox, much better browser I don't even miss IE
I was having loads of trouble with our computer and took it to one of the programmers at work. He does some side work at home and I can't believe the happiness of my computer now! Wow, what a difference! He found a few viruses, even though I've been using my Norton and some other virus ware. He suggested uninstalling my older Norton and buying the new Norton and installing it fresh. I haven't gotten to that yet, but maybe next month the budget will allow. He also suggested Firefox over Explorer. Some of my stuff still defaults to Explorer (need to fix that today) and the link wouldn't take me to the correct page. I copied the link to Firefox and I went right to the correct page. Sometimes we just need to pay a pro to clean things up and give us some advice.
Hell PWP, why didnt you tell me you was having computer problems. I could have told ya exactly what..."WHAP"...OK ..OK....Er Uh..Does your friend have an unlisted phone number
Welcome back Waldo, and I too am sorry for your loss.

On the 'puter problems, geekette that I am sometimes I have no idea for you. I like the "drop it in the driveway and run it over with the bobcat" approach! That'll fix it for it sure