David Taylor
Ok, so here is my Shiraz tweak 11/20/18
My Fontana Merlot is bulk aging and will bottle it by the end of the year. I tasted it when I did my second racking and liked the fresh blackcurrant FPAC I added.
- 1 cup french oak simmered 10 minutes in 1/2 water (used both)
- 1 lb fresh frozen raspberries made into a FPAC per Joe's method.
- 1 Q Simple syrup
- 1 T Tannin in primary
- SG: 1.15
So this wine is aging in a 5 gallon carboy. It has been sitting for over a month and I added clarifier last night. I tasted it and my wife thought it was a bit sour/tart. Wondering if I should back sweeten or let it sit. I am in no rush. Thanks.