Very new to this, but wanted to post my game plan for an upcoming kit. This is only my second kit (first one was a 1 gal Pinot Grigio with the only tweak being grapefruit rinds being added to the secondary).
I’m trying to replicate a favorite table wine of mine that was discontinued a few years ago, Cap Rock's Sweet Tempranillo. It’s not as sweet as a port and doesn’t have the ABV.
I’m starting with a WE Int’l vineyards Tempranillo with several planned tweaks.
Please feel free to comment, recommend, warn or even scoff!
Primary Tweaks
Plan to make at 5.5 gal (kit say make to 6, afraid 5 gal may skew results too much)
Add cup raisins (blanched, washed & chopped)
Add simple syrup/ sugar to get SG to 1.000 + raisins (bit hot but planning on back sweetening)
Targeting end ABV of 13%-14.5%
Add half powdered oak packet (adding oak to batch age so I can monitor amount of oak better)
Add 1 tbs grape tannin
Using 1118 yeast (in kit)
Secondary Tweaks
Rack to 6 gal carboy, add sterilized glass beads to top off
Allow to finish
Use wine conditioner to back sweeten and stabilize (will need additional bisulfite & sorbate before adding simple syrup to taste)
Let sit 2 weeks
Rack to 5 gal carboy with oak spiral or cubes (excess to be bottled)
Bulk Aging
Planning to bulk age 6 months (tasting every 3 weeks to monitor oak)
Degassing monthly for first 3 months (just enuff to keep wine bright, physically don’t handle carbonation well)
Thoughts, recommendations?