Got everything arranged, locked my 4 year old granddaughter out of the room and commenced the experiment. Put in a 1 gallon jug of spring water and the packet of bentonite into the fermenter, stir it up. Next was empty the bag of juice into the primary fermenter and a good rinse (the bag) to get all the goodies out. Put my currants and French Oak chips on to soak and clean up a bit. After maybe 15 minutes (coffee break) I poured the currants and Oak chips into the juice. Used 1 cup of currants and 1 cup of Oak. Topped up to 5 gallons and Took out my stir stick and drill, did a gentle stir, not like I was de-gassing. Took a Ph reading from the juice sampled with my wine thief and got about 3.8. Next was the S.G. At 1.140 and and ABV of 15% +. Pitched the yeast EC1118 and covered. Came back an hour later and the yeast is active and smells like homemade bread dough (yes, we also make bread once in awhile). Will see how long the primary fermentation goes on for, instructions say for a week, but this is South Texas, so who knows.
Will continue reports as the wine develops.