Two batches, one taking significantly longer to clear

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May 30, 2024
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I made a batch of peach mango wine and a batch of pear. Both fermented to dry (.992 for both actually). In both cases I added pectic enzyme before starting fermentation. With the pear I gave it about 8 hours before pitching my yeast and with the peach mango a little less.

So the peach mango I racked into a carboy 19 days ago, and the pear 3 days ago. The pear (on the left) is almost completely clear, but the peach mango isn't much closer than it was the day I racked it.

Is this pretty normal? I'm not really worried so early in the game but the stark difference is interesting to me.

Btw I added some banana to the peach and used part brown sugar and part white to ferment which is why it's so brown.


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looks normal to me, different fruits/berries will clear at different rates.
i had a apple/pear/crabapple one time that took forever, but it was way more then worth it in the end, wine is a strange thing,
it learns you patience or cracks your brain. I often state that crafting wine is like watching grass grow and being able to watch flies die of boredom. Patience lots and lots of Patience... they make clearing agents, but i prefer time to do it's magic.
if you are using juices ,
all are pure single fruit/berry concentrates,
for years i used fruits and berries, but due to health in later years i use a fair amount of concentrates .
poor old press is lonely, lol.
Cool. So far I'm just doing fresh fruit but juice might be a cool option at some point

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