You didn't say how far above 1.00 it was.
If it's about 1.010 or below then it's too late to add nutrient etc. SG this low could continue fermenting in the secondary with airlock if kept warm. Make sure it is warm. The initial stir up to mix the yeast around was a good step, but now it is very close to done so if you hear fizzing I'd probably not anymore stir at this point. If the SG hasn't dropped any by tomorrow I'd sprinkle on a little energizer to see if you get any reaction.
If the SG was 1.020 or above, you can do pretty much whatever you need to get it going again. I'd always do some heat and some energizer, good stir see what happens.
Generally I don't rack to secondary till 1.010 or below. Fermentation slows down quite a bit when in an airlocked carboy, but usually will continue till dry.
Pam in cinti