Senior Member
Sorry if this is answered elsewhere but how much OxiClean/water do y’all use for removing labels?
Sorry if this is answered elsewhere but how much OxiClean/water do y’all use for removing labels?
Thankyou Jim for your response.................knowledge is power......................................................................DizzyIzzysounds like a good delabeling process. I wasn’t advocating using PBW to delabel just answering your question. PBW is an excellent solvent of organic residue but it is expensive. Too expensive to use removing labels IMO.
Yes, I doDo you use the magic eraser while it’s still wet?
A month? I'd be concerned if any water is left stagnant for a month. I don't know that the OxyClean is the real problem here.I left some bottles soaking in Oxy Clean for a month
Yes, it works well when wet. I soak the bottles for several hours in Dawn (the blue kind) and hot water, then peel as much of the label as I can, scrape as much as I can with a hard plastic scraper, then use a wet magic eraser to get the remainder of the glue off.Do you use the magic eraser while it’s still wet?
I can also. Last year after a batch I would fill the bottles with hot water (so they don't float, of course) and throw them in the canner. Why waste the hot water? Scoring seems to help. Many will float or peel easily. Others have that super alien adhesive that needs extra work.I do a lot of canning but usually have enough jars that have been passed back and forth in my family they don't have labels on them. We always label on the disposable flat lid. I used the goo gone on some, was careful to not get it inside the bottle but I worried I might get a little in there.
Easiest wayHottest water you can produce, oxiclean. Let soak until water cools off. Many labels will float right off others get the Labelnator, sometimes need goo gone to remove incredibly sticky glue, but not often.
Yes, I do
...and also, I may go back to soaking in PBW to remove labels. I left some bottles soaking in Oxy Clean for a month and I found crystals of some kind growing on the surface. I could not see any on the inside of the bottle, but it makes me wonder. The crystals did rinse off with a bit of rubbing.
A month? I'd be concerned if any water is left stagnant for a month. I don't know that the OxyClean is the real problem here.
I've had a few bottles that soaking them for a year might not make a difference. I've only had one that Goo Gone didn't clean.
that is almost step for step what i do, instead of orange i use goo gone,I do the very hot water soak and scrape with a metal scraper to get the label itself off. Then for the residual adhesive I use "Fast Orange" citrus based hand cleaner and slather it over where the adhesive is. Let is set for, oh I don't know, maybe 5 or 10 minutes max, then use an SOS pad and it comes clean as a whistle. Been doing it for quite awhile like this and haven't come across one yet that it hasn't worked on. Just my .02
I do the very hot water soak and scrape with a metal scraper to get the label itself off. Then for the residual adhesive I use "Fast Orange" citrus based hand cleaner and slather it over where the adhesive is. Let is set for, oh I don't know, maybe 5 or 10 minutes max, then use an SOS pad and it comes clean as a whistle. Been doing it for quite awhile like this and haven't come across one yet that it hasn't worked on. Just my .02