I realise this is an old thread but thought id mention that I am making an apple wine using concentrated juice. The receipe is from a winemakers guild notes and is an eaasy beginners receipe so thought Id share it for others-
1 litre Apple Juice (!00% juice no preservatives0
250g sultanas
750g sugar (I put in 500g to get an sg of 1.085 so stopped at that amount!

1 teaspoon Yeast ntrients
1 teaspoon Tartaric acid
wine yeastapprox 1.5 l water
Wash sultanas (Oil on some brands make a laxative not a wine)
Chop and mince sultanas up well
Pour the water into a 1gallon sterile container, add the sugar, acid, nutrients and mix well until all dissolved.
Add apple juice and sultanas. The level should be below the shoulder of the jar to allow for foaming etc. Fit airlock and put in warmish place. Fermenting should start in a few hours.
After 2-3 days te 'head' should subside. Top up to within 1" of the top of the neck with cold boiled water. Put under airlock again.
When fermentation has stopped and most of the yeast settled, rack off into a fresh sterile jar. Add 1 campden tablet to keep clean and stabilise.
Once clear 9racking off as necessary) the wine can be bottled and matured for at least 3 months.
I like the sound of this as its easy and you cna drink earlier than most!!! Something to keep me entertained while the others age!!!!