Using Frozen Fruit?

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I am not sure what you mean by "ratio of weight against juice".
I have made no notes turning the apples into juice but I do keep notes when making wine!!
The "ratio of weight against juice" is just How much juice did you get from how many pounds of fruit. then next time you want to use that kind of fruit you will know how much to get
ohh OK sounds like I need to get a food scales if I am too keep making wine from fresh fruit!!!!
Hey Wine, myself just made the plunge to making my first batch from whole fruit. I just pitched the yeast on an orange cranberry. It is pretty exciting! LUC is right, keep notes, it might be a few months before you really know how it turns out, good or bad, you want to know what you did, and besides you may have 12 more batches going and may have forgot all about the one that tastes so good that you started "a while ago"
Take Care
I realise this is an old thread but thought id mention that I am making an apple wine using concentrated juice. The receipe is from a winemakers guild notes and is an eaasy beginners receipe so thought Id share it for others-

1 litre Apple Juice (!00% juice no preservatives0
250g sultanas
750g sugar (I put in 500g to get an sg of 1.085 so stopped at that amount!;))
1 teaspoon Yeast ntrients
1 teaspoon Tartaric acid
wine yeastapprox 1.5 l water

Wash sultanas (Oil on some brands make a laxative not a wine)
Chop and mince sultanas up well
Pour the water into a 1gallon sterile container, add the sugar, acid, nutrients and mix well until all dissolved.
Add apple juice and sultanas. The level should be below the shoulder of the jar to allow for foaming etc. Fit airlock and put in warmish place. Fermenting should start in a few hours.
After 2-3 days te 'head' should subside. Top up to within 1" of the top of the neck with cold boiled water. Put under airlock again.
When fermentation has stopped and most of the yeast settled, rack off into a fresh sterile jar. Add 1 campden tablet to keep clean and stabilise.
Once clear 9racking off as necessary) the wine can be bottled and matured for at least 3 months.

I like the sound of this as its easy and you cna drink earlier than most!!! Something to keep me entertained while the others age!!!!:D
Hope youre not mocking me!!! Seriously is this receipe bad or okay??:confused:

Wade, had a look at your site today and your fabulous wine rooms! Have to say Im terribly jealous, what a divine set up!!! 800 bottles like WOW!!! Very cool!:)
Thanks Boozehag! Got another 56 bottled over the weekend and still have another 116 ready to bottle but dont have enough of the b ottles. I need to but another case of the 375 Cobalt blue hock bottles for my Peach Ice wine and another case of the Dead Leaf 375 Belissama bottles for my Orange Chocolate Port! Those are all ready, I also have another batch of the Orang Chocolate port that I just started and has been in primary sine Sunday and a Chenin Blanc fresh juice clearing now.
Oh so just a few more.:D Bet tastings at your house are fun. Im going to convert my garage to my wine making room now, the dining room is starting to smell like a brewery!!!

Two questions -

1) What is the peach ice as in what makes it different to just peach?

2) How long will you age the Port for and was it easy to make?
The Peach Ice wie is actually a Vidal grape base and they are picked when the grapes are frozen so when pressed only the juice comes out as the water in the grape is still frozen and you get much more flavor and sugar naturally from the fruit but require much more fruit to get juice to the level desired. A peach juice is added after fermentation to get the desired taste mix. As for the Chocolate Orange port, it will age for about 1 year and I still have 3 gallons of this that is ready to bottle besides the 3 gallons I just started. This is a limited edition kit from RJ Spagnols. I have made Ports before like my Chocolate Strawberry port. Check out my site and look at recipes. There is some work to do these and get that thicker liqueur like consistency. Some people just add a higher abv alcohol to a wine and call it a Port but its also consistency that is needed also. Glycerin can be used to get this extra thickness but I just use syrup myself.
The chocolate Strawberry Port sounds divine. Not sure on some of the ingredients as to what the equvilent here in NZ would be, so will need to do my research. Thanks for sharing that.

do you have a rule of thumb for number of apples per gallon? I'm going to try this!! JThanks! enzyme. When do you add the pectic enzyme? During the thawing process? How would you prepare frozen strawberries, frozen blue berries, and frozen blackberries?
Strawberries yo can cut up in say 1/3's either before or after freezing but strawberries really dont need to be frozen as you are breaking the cell structure by cutting them up. Blueberries really need to be frozen as can you imagine trying to burst each one so that you can make sure you can get juice from it? This is the reason we freeze the fruit unless you have a fruit press. Basically its any fruit that you wont be cutting up that needs to be frozen unless you have the press. Once the berries are thawed out pour boiling water or very hot water over the fruit first and then the rest of the water being room temp to cooler until you are at around 80* F and then add sulfites to kill off any wild yeasts. Now you add all other ingredients except for yeast and pectic enzyme. After 12 hours you add your pectic enzyme and then after anothe 12 hours you pitch your yeast! Making a yeast starter is the better way to go but you can just sprinkle it on the must.
Using frozen fruit

I've got strawberry wine which is almost finished fermenting. I froze fresh berries, used pectic enzyme, acid blend, a little tannin, and put the berries in a strainer bag. My question is how do I clarify the wine? Does it clear during aging or do I need to add a clarifier (e.g. bentonite) to clear out the suspended particles of strawberry pulp?

Thanks for your advice.
You can let it clear over time by aging or you can using a fining agent like Bentonite, Isinglass, Sparkaloid, or SuperKleer KC just to name a few. I prefer SuperKleer KC over any of them if using a fining agent as it never fails me and does a great job very fast. I try to be patient with most fruit wines though.
Hi there,

I'm wondering about juicing my crab apples with a steamer/juicer and then freezing the juice for winemaking. Has anyone done this or am I better freezing the fruit so that the skins and all are on before doing the wine. Also what is everyone's take on the apple seeds being in the fruit when frozen or in if I do use the juicer they'll be in there as well.

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