To clarify my last post, ignore the nutrient directions in the recipe and follow nutrient package directions, possibly with tweaks. *
Jacks recipes were recorded long, long ago ... in the distant lands of the 80's and 90's, and maybe earlier. Some appear to be copies of recipes from the 70's or earlier.
Until the last 15-20 years, there was (more or less) just "yeast nutrient" and "yeast energizer". Plain label, just one choice. I owned a LHBS circa 1990, and there were not a lot of choices in most things.
So ... recipes were based upon what was available at the time, and we can't assume the original author really knew what they were dealing with.
* regarding "tweaks", I typically follow package directions except for yeast strains with high nutrient requirements. Most yeast charts indicate if a strain is low, medium, or high nutrient requirements. I've had brushes with H2S in recent years, which is caused by yeast stressed because of lack of nutrients. So I bump up the nutrient to avoid the problem.