Better Bottles manufacturers website has an article about degassing with better bottles -- I don't have the link, sorry, but it had to do with the fact that the sides are not rigid, they do flex, that you can bang on the side of the bottle and set up a waveform in the liquid in the bottle which then helps outgassing occur. They also had (By recollection) image or maybe it was animated, of putting the better bottle ontop of a tennis ball and rotating around to get the motion going. This in lieu of the vigorous stirring, there's no advantage so to speak in the physical contact of the wine with the paddle but in the motion and disturbance which debubblizes (getting tired of the word degassing here)... I've tried this at home and find it is helpful. I've also managed my vinting in better bottles so that I rack from the better bottle into glass and then use the brake bleeder.
I go along with your plan Xanxer82 -- It's kind of hard to get by with just one carboy, I like having both the glass and the better bottles. Storage is easier, no breakage, lighter weight, less risk of dropping it because I can keep a better grip on plastic than on heavy glass.