very new to this.

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That yeast has an alcohol tolerance of 18% so it just might ferment to dry for you.

As to whether or not to pitch the yeast, I would ask myself whether getting the acid test passes the Pick Your Nose test* If the acid test fails the Pick Your Nose test and I don't have a corrective action plan ready to go, I would rehydrate the yeast, make a yeast starter and go for it.

* Don't start to pick your nose unless you already know what you are going to do with the result.

Wow. Good catch, missed that one.
Tested it three times. Im getting .5 percent acid. Is this a little low?

If you review the Jack Keller website it identifies that an ideal range for a finished Non-Grape Red Wine is 0.50-0.60%. Personally, I would let the ferment finish and check TA then.

What was your blackberry source?
I saw that this was at the low end of scale. I got the blackberries from a local grocery store. I should be able to pitch yeast then and monitor the acid later. Thanks.
Starting to look good. Thanks everyone for your help. You're all invited to try some when its done.

At what point do you usually transfer to secondary? My recipe says 1.030 sg. Just wondering if thats about right.
Transferred to carboy today. Two questions. Looks like I'm about gallon short. Should I top off now or wait till fermentation is done? Also, airlock doesn't want to stay in place. Keeps popping up. Any suggestions?

Thanks again dr. Didnt know what was going on with airlock. I'll top it off when done fermenting then. Appreciate the advice.