Vintners Harvest Cherry Wine

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Northern Winos said:
What yeasts do you use in the Vintners Harvest Wines????

I just started my Black Current tonite and I used Red Star Cotes des Blacs because it said to use that if you want a sweeter wine; otherwise it recommends Cuvee. It's my first Vinter's Harvest attempt so can't say how it will turn out. Starting SG was 1.100.
I saw on the can they recommended the Red Star Primier Cuvée..I have some Lalvin looks like they are the same strain.

I had thought of using one of the yeasts for bold reds, like Lalvin RC-212 or the equivalent Red Star Montrachet or Red Star Pasteur Red...... but maybe should follow their directions...any thoughts on using different yeasts???
I do believe that any yeast will work but that is just an opinion! I
think that is just the brand that they back! Did you make the 3 or 5
gallon recipe?

Edited by: wade
Finally labelled My Cherry so I can get these out of the basement and out of harms way.


Nice looking labels and great looking wine bottles....You did a very nice job with putting the wine and the label and cap togather, they really look great....awesome job
Looks great...your putting them downstairs in the demolition out that your construction crew doesn't get into them....
Excellent finished package Wade. How's the flavor doing on them?

I degassed mine this last weekend after racking. It was so clear I could have bottled already, but I stabilized and now have sweetened a little. I drew off a 12 ounce glass on Easter so I would have room to add everything and used it for sampling sweetness at different amounts. By the time I was done sampling and sweetening(boy the sweetness brought out the Cherry flavor), anything would have tasted great.
The Cherry came out pretty nice if I do say so myself. Still no Black Currant though.

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