Wacky measurements for 1st time fresh peaches wine

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Update: Smelled the wine again this morning and the "rotten egg" smell (not burnt match), is very faint at this point. My wife couldn't describe the smell other than "off peach." I do believe it's going away. Thanks everyone! I'll try to update as it progresses.
Time and Patience , your best ingreanes,,,
Ok, it's been 3 days since you last posted. It does look like it is starting to clear nicely. So how does it smell now? You can't keep us in suspense like this lol
Thanks for the "nudge" to update this @Rembee. The rotten egg smell is gone now, replaced by a peach smell that is a little different from straight peach smell--maybe peach wine smell? Not bad, just different. The lees have been settling nicely simply by adding the Pectic Enzyme. I still would like to add other clearing agents at some point (kieselsol and chitosan) but not sure when they should be added.

Two issues: I've got a pretty thick layer of lees now but more to settle? When should I rack? Second question is regarding head space. Once I rack, it looks like I may only have 2-1/2 gallons of wine for a 3 gallon carboy. I have an AIO wine pump "headspace eliminator" but is that too much head space to be effective? I do have 1 and 1/2 gallon jugs I could use if needed but I prefer to keep in one container if possible. Thanks for your help.IMG_3358.jpeg
I'm glad that the rotten egg smell is gone.
Peach wine takes along time to clear in my experience. Could take as long as 6 to 8 months. Your right at a month old on this wine, right?
You need to rack it now. This will accomplish 2 things. It will get you off all those gross lees and will degas the wine some. Degassing will help a lot in helping the wine to clear.
As for the head space, yes, it will be to much!
You will need to rack down into smaller vessels like the gallon and half gallon jugs you mentioned. Or you can top up with a like white wine. If you plan on backsweetening, that will make up some of the head space but not enough for what you have there.
I would rack to the gallon and half gallon jugs and use the half gallon jug for futher top ups. You can also use a wine bottle with a universal stopper and airlock once the half gallon gets to low.
I still would like to add other clearing agents at some point
I'd do it now and get that part over with. To avoid an extra racking, add the k&c without racking, then in 3 to 7 days (depending on sediment build up) rack. I watch for the sediment to build up, then compact -- the level will drop a bit.

Some kit instructions say to stir sediment back into the wine before adding k&c, as the agents supposedly work better when they have more to work with. This makes sense, as they work by ion attraction.

I'm not in favor of either vacuum or insert gas as headspace solutions. With either, you cannot be 100% sure you've eliminated the air, and you're going to have a large headspace. I'd buy a mild white wine and topup with it, as you can be 100% certain how much air is in the carboy. This will affect the flavor, so bench test the mixture first.

For future reference, plan batches around the carboy size, e.g., for a 3 gallon carboy, plan for at least 3.5 gallons of wine initially (after pressing). While sometimes difficult to do, it makes life easier.
I don't think that stirring the gross lees back up into solution is the best course of action IMHO.
There is a big difference between grapes, berries and stone fruit pulp IMO.
You have already had the issue of H2S, the rotten egg smell. I would be more concerned with the amount of peach pulp residuals down in the gross lees that have already settled out. This is still a very young country wine and as I mentioned earlier, will take months to clear due to it being peach.
I really believe that racking off what has already settled, time and patience is your best course of action right now.
Just my humble opinion lol.
I think if it were me, I would rack and since you have the All-In-One-Wine-Pump the degas step has happened for you. But I would repeat the pectic enzyme treatment, before adding the K&C. Sometimes peach, apple, pear needs extra pectic help.

Oh and peach wine takes a fairly long time (like two years) to come around after bottling, so no hurries here for anything.
I think if it were me, I would rack and since you have the All-In-One-Wine-Pump the degas step has happened for you. But I would repeat the pectic enzyme treatment, before adding the K&C. Sometimes peach, apple, pear needs extra pectic help.

Oh and peach wine takes a fairly long time (like two years) to come around after bottling, so no hurries here for anything.
I agree, doing another pectic enzyme treatment will not hurt after racking. And good point about the All-in-One-Wine-Pump degassing.
I'm just wondering why @Khristyjeff is in such a hurry to clear it. After all, it is only a month old. Lol
"I'm just wondering why @Khristyjeff is in such a hurry to clear it. After all, it is only a month old. Lol"

@Rembee Kit habit I guess. 🤪
Can the K&C be added much later if needed or does it lose it's effectiveness at some poin? I guess I'd like to drink this peach at 1 year old if possible instead of 2 years, but I don't mind waiting if that's best.

btw, so impressed and appreciative of everyone's quick and thoughtful responses.
The K&C can be added at a later point. I would rack, add k-meta and pectic enzyme again and let it sit for 3 months and continue to let it clear on its own. You might be surprised by how it will clear up very nicely.
btw, so impressed and appreciative of everyone's quick and thoughtful responses.
Yeah, this is the internet -- acting like rational adults is counter-intuitive, right?

The folks chiming in on this thread have all been around the block a few times, and while we all have our opinions and methods, we all know there more than one right answer. Add "rational adult" into the mix, and we have a real discussion. 😉

I'm sure you have heard me say this before -- open a bottle 3 months after bottling and record your impressions. Every 3 months after that, do it again. After a year, read your notes from start to finish.

Dale Carnegie's great book, How to Win Friends and Influence People, is (IMO) the greatest reference on successful relationships. One of the lessons in the book is:

I cannot convince you of what I want, but I can convince you of what you want.

So ... instead of trying to convince anyone to age their wines, I set the stage so they convince themselves. It's amazing how well this tactic works in business AND within the family.
I never have been a fan of manipulation 😁.
I just offer my 2 cents when asked for it.
Not to influence but to help. It's up to the individual to use discernment and to decide what is most appropriate for their needs.
Just my 2 cents again 🤣
I never have been a fan of manipulation 😁.
Nope, this is not manipulation. Just helping others convince themselves of something you and I know is generally correct. :p

All jokes aside, Carnegie's book is a great one. Two fundamental tenets are honesty and looking at things from other POVs. I find it makes life easier and reduces unnecessary strife.

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