Waldo's Black Widow Blackberry

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Do a starter like Waldo is doing so that you know if its good before
putting it in and waiting a few days to find out! You will know within
a few hours if it is good or not this way.
Following the instructions on Lalvin's Homepage I:

REHYDRATION:Dissolve the dry yeast in 50mL (2oz)
of warm NOT HOT water (40°- 43°C /
104°-109°F). Let stand 15minutes
without stirring, then stir well to suspend
all the yeast. Add to previously sulfited must.
(The yeast should not be kept in the
rehydration medium longer
than recommended.)
My water temp was 106 degrees. I let it set for 14 minutes, stirred well, added to my must and so far..........nothing.....nadda......Whats up with this strain? I gave the must a good stirring, will check it agin in the morning and ifI can detect no action I will pitch a different strain.Edited by: Waldo
personally I prefer the Red Stap brand myself. I had a problem with a batch of

Lalvin yeast(which 1 I dont recall as it was 2 years ago) so I switched
to Red Star and the only problem Ive had was with the Cotes Des Blanc
as it usually takes 2-3 days to start but it always starts, just gets
ya a little nervous every time but I think it does the best with fruit
wines myself.
LeiniePrincess said:
Oh, by the way. Regular bagels and spread? Or fruity? I vote regular.
Waldo, I'm assuming she means plain bagels and plain cream cheese instead of fruity bagels and fruity cream cheese. If you get the stuff with the fruit it will compete with the spread that you bring. (Yes, I like to speak for my children.)
Thanks PWP. Waldo and I communicated just fine. But thanks again.
LeiniePrincess said:
Thanks PWP. Waldo and I communicated just fine. But thanks again.

Hey lennie....reckon mommy might have had one too many glasses of kool aid before she read the posts.

Well, I am making another starter, "MY WAY", I have dissolved a little yeast nutrient and energizer in about 2 TBSP of the must. Added 104 degree water to this mux and pitched the yeast to it about 5 minutes ago. Will see how it does. Oh by the way, I went through my stash and found a packet with a 2008 expiration date so I am trying it.


20 minutes later I added a little more of the diluted must to the starter and in another 15 minutes I had this going.


Another 10 minutes and she is going good


Will let this continue to work for a couple more hours and then pitch it to my must.

Edited by: Waldo
It's about 3:30 am and I have a very strong fermentation going in the starter so I went ahead and pitched it to my must. Should see some activityin my primaryverysoon now.
Edited by: Waldo
Waldo Well said:

WALDO....I always say, why mess with a good thing! Seems your way works very well to me.
Edited by: CajunTim
At least it did on this one cajun. Them yeasties went to work after I did this morning. Here are a couple of shots of the fermentation in progress when I got home this evening.


Edited by: Waldo
Fermentation on the Blackberry is now at "Full Tilt Boogie"
Edited by: Waldo
Looking good Waldo, blackberries around here not looking to good, all the rain this summer went up to northern Princess land. Going out later today to check on a few choke cherries and plums, maybe I can score yet.

I just started a 1 gallon batch of blackberry wine last
night. My wife made a mistake and brought home a flat of fresh
picked fruit. So I snagged 3#+ to try a wine. I have a
recipe from Terry Garey and it calls for 1 campden tablet -IF I want to
use it!!! (very optional) Do I need to add a tablet? It is
still in the juice stage at this point - added the yeast nutrient
and acid blend and late last night added the pectic emzyme.
I have not added the yeast as of yet. I am going to use a
Montrachet yeast. Well, any help would be appreciated - thanx in
advance from a newbie.



prim - blackberry

sec - mm amarone; we gewurztraminer; we cab; we riesling

on order - IM white merlot & IM wildberry merlot

bottled - 0

ready to bottle - 0

drinking - mainly calif commercial BUT saving bottles
I would recommend you use the Campden rrawhide. Make sure it is crushed and dissolved well. Stit it in really good and let it set for at least 12-14hrs then you need to add some pectic enzyme, stir that in well and let it set for another 12-14 hrs before you pitch the yeast.
The Campden will kill any wild yeast in the product and let the strain your introducing do its thing properly!
Hey hey hey and hi

my wife just brought me a bowl of blackberries mixed with yogurt and
WOW if the blackberry wine tastes 1/2 a good as this it will be
great. Thanx for your help all - the campden tablet has
been added. Tomarrow the pectic and then the next day the
yeast. Gonna be fun - also tomarrow the IM kits should
arrive and should be started soon. Gotta have something to
enjoy so I must bottle the VR Riesling soon. Also, this will
release one of the carboys so I can do more more more!!! E gads
this hobby is addictive!!! George said it would
be!!!!!!!!!! hummmmmmmmmm!!!
Nice video Waldo. Looks like a lot of movement going on there. I don't think any of my few wines have fermented that hard as of yet.
Thanks Cajun, that ole lalvin has come through for me again after a bit of coaxing
Racked the Black Widow Blackberry to carboy this evening at an SG of 1.020. I have included a picture that shows my racking from fermenter to carboy technique. Actually racking would not be the proper terminology here as I actually use the spigot on my primary fermenter and just attach a hose and drain to the carboy. Wine is still too sweet and yeasty to tell much right now but it does have a nice blackberry flavor detectable right now.





I am hoping this one will finish out asa really nice Blackberry wine. My plans are to bulk age the 5 gallon carboy for at least 6 months. I have 2 oz. of Medium Toast French Oak that I will be adding to it once it is stabilized and clearing.Edited by: Waldo

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