Greetings again all.
Have a question.
I have a source for plastic, 3 gallon, commercialwater bottles with 2" dia mouths and 2" deep, trraight necks.
1) Has anyone used these containers for extended periods in the past ?
2) What size cork do I need to air trap this particular neck for fermentation purposes?
3) Has anyone tried, mid term aging (2 to 6 months)in this type of vessel prior to bottling?
4) If so, how did it work?
Have a question.
I have a source for plastic, 3 gallon, commercialwater bottles with 2" dia mouths and 2" deep, trraight necks.
1) Has anyone used these containers for extended periods in the past ?
2) What size cork do I need to air trap this particular neck for fermentation purposes?
3) Has anyone tried, mid term aging (2 to 6 months)in this type of vessel prior to bottling?
4) If so, how did it work?