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Jan 16, 2014
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Bottled today. All I can say is wow it's yummy! I added 4# of sugar to the primary. 10.5% ABV. It could be dangerous. I tried the strawberry white merlot and its not nearly as good as this one.

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I made this kit a few months back, didn't add any extra sugar and really liked it, even my wife said it was good and she doesn't usually like any sangria. Will be making another batch soon! What was the SG after adding the extra sugar? Also I saw an add from wine expert about a new mist kit coconut lime.


Sent from my iPad using Wine Making
Thanks, has anyone seen the new coconut lime mist kit?

Sent from my iPad using Wine Making
I just looked at there website and its not listed

Sent from my iPhone using Wine Making
I checked there too, the ad was in this months issue of wine maker magazine, maybe I'll drop them an email.

Sent from my iPad using Wine Making
Yes it was in the wine magazine. Should be released soon. Ordering is being done now by LHBS. Sounds yummy.
So does the Strawberry watermelon white Shiraz kit. That has started shipping. Can't wait to start that one.

Sent from my iPhone using Wine Making
Started my kit a few weeks ago...and damn...didn't add anything in the way of sugar...would have liked a little higher alcohol content LOL!! you know what your stock alcohol level turned out to be??

As for the new kit...I haven't seen it up here...and from my understanding we Canadians typically see them first??
Yeah the Sangria is great. Wish I would have added sugar but it was my first kit. I will be doing it again and adding sugar. Has anyone tried the pink lemonade? Ordered one hoping its good.

My alcohol percent was 6 %

Next time I'll add some extra sugar, my supplier recommended to do it but since this was the first time making this kit I wanted to leave it stock to see how it would taste.

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I realize this is a year old necro, but was wondering how long (if at all) those who have made this kit waited prior to drinking it. Is it ready as soon as it hits the bottle?
Is it ready as soon as it hits the bottle?

Depends upon when it hits the bottle.

I started an IM in Nov, bottled in Jan (2.5 months), and it was judged in April (4 months).

At 2.5 months, it was drinkable. Time does help it improve.
We had some out-of-town visitors and some other things going on, so I just got around to ordering my kit. It should be here Tuesday. I realize this will be cutting my timeline shorter than I would have liked, but we'll have to tough it out.

As a followup to my question above, what kind of sugar do people use? "Regular" sugar? Corn sugar? I always figured it was regular sugar, but on the Labelpeelers product page it has an option of adding corn sugar to the order. I have a big bag of corn sugar from brewing, and I stocked up on regular sugar in anticipation of making some skeeter pee, so I could do either.
I use regular sugar in a simple syrup style.
I use regular sugar in a simple syrup. Have used up to 5 lbs. with an EC 1118 yeast. My latest watermelon wave started at SG of 1.092 and ended at SG 0.992 giving me about 13% ABV. With that much ABV it takes about 2 mo. For the hotness to go away. I try to start my summer wine around the first part of Jan.
I use regular sugar in a simple syrup. Have used up to 5 lbs. with an EC 1118 yeast. My latest watermelon wave started at SG of 1.092 and ended at SG 0.992 giving me about 13% ABV. With that much ABV it takes about 2 mo. For the hotness to go away. I try to start my summer wine around the first part of Jan.
Thanks for the info on the timing. That's what I was wondering.

I need it to be ready a little faster than that, and probably would like it a little lighter anyway, so I think the plan is to add about 3 lbs. of sugar via simple syrup and let it rip. I told the neighbors about the kit at the Memorial Day party and it sounds like there won't be any shortage of taste testers. :)

The kit is on the truck for delivery, so I'll make my simple syrup over lunch and get everything prepped for tonight.
I posted an update in the other active Island Mist thread, but figured it was more appropriate here.

The kit arrived right on time and I went to work on it last night. 3 lbs. of sugar and 6 c. of water gave me a nice simple syrup that boosted the OG to 1.070. The simple syrup was still at about 100F when I added it, and the top off water only took the must down to 80F. I ended up employing my swamp cooler to get it down to 73 so I could get to bed. I loosely put the lid on top and it is sitting on the floor of my basement. The yeast were going to town in the Go-Ferm solution, so hopefully I'll see some activity when I get home.