I have done an estate from WE before, not that one. I found it was good and had better taste than the kits where they mix a little more (as I think they sometimes all taste a little too similar). Ultimatley, I don't think I'll make another Estate kit unless I do a chard (but only becuase I want to try and make it buttery). Since trying the crushendo kits, or kits with raisins, I go for them. for a little more money I feel they offer a whole new class to kit wines.
Hopefully that helps a little.... If you do go for it, let us know what you think.
I wish there was a way we could put notes on wines that we buy from george. Sort of like Amazon will let you 'review' things you buy there. Might be nice to click on a wine and see four or five reviews so you can get a good rounded opinion.....