House Swine
red competition
Sorry, I should have been more clear. The red competition
Sorry, I should have been more clear. The red competition
My third Luna made its way into the bottle (28 - 750’s and 8 - 375’s). This kit was started in Jan/Feb. as with other Luna’s, I split the fpac between primary and finish.
Good thing - there are only 4-5 bottles from the second batch left.
I was about to chime in to say that, although I do not have any current inventory, I really like the Luna Bianca. Then I realized that I am the OP of this thread!
Glad to hear your 3rd batch is under cork, Jim.
Very helpful, thank you!I just checked my notes. I brought the batch to 23 liters with water, and then added ~3/4 of the f-pack to that. Here is a synopsis of my procedure:
"Start 8/30/2015. Used D47 yeast. Added ~3/4 of f-pack to primary. SG before adding was 1.102, and after adding was 1.104. Kit came with 120 g (!) of oak powder. I skipped bentonite in primary. Performed battonage at ~6 weeks intervals through winter. Finally racked off fine lees on 2/21/16; added chitosan at that time. On 3/5/2016 (after clearing), added k-sorbate and 1/4 tsp k-meta, and added ~8 oz of f-pack. This raised SG from 0.992 to 0.995. Racked off sediment and added 1/4 tsp k-meta on 5/10/2016 in prep for bottling. Bottled 5/11/2016. Very nice at bottling!"