What is going on with this Air Lock?

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Nov 13, 2011
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I am using a Senior Air Lock from ECKrause. The senior air lock is a three piece Air Lock which consist of the following parts:
1.Perforated Cap to let air out and keeps critters out.
2.Floating plastic bubble where gas is captured until it releases
3. Container bowl and stem that inserts into top of the carboy stopper.

My question is that on occasion the water inside the bowl starts collecting inside of the floating bubble to the point that it almost looks like it is being sucked back into the carboy. I know this sounds confusing but has anyone else encountered this happening with this type of Air Lock. It almost looks like there is a vacuum being created inside of the carboy that is pulling air back into the carboy? Can this happen?
Yes this can happen during barometric changes and temperature changes in the wine. When liquid gets hot it expands and when it cools it contracts just like metal or wood. Brometric changes will make the liquid do the same. Ive had carboys with 1 1/2" of space expand into the airlock on me before.
Wade, Should I give the air lock a little air to correct that or should I leave it alone. I have sulfites in the water in the air lock should it get pulled into the carboy.
It shouldn't last long. It will be fine but watch the water level doesn't get low.

Use sulfite water in there.
I also use the three-piece design and it seems to be easier to fill, etc.I haven't used sulphite in my airlocks yet. I have also seen people say to use vodka. Would a tiny pinch of k-meta in the airlock do the trick?
I use k-meta in a spray bottle too - it's easy to add some to the air-lock as it evaporates during long term storage. Just a few sprays right into the reservoir to keep it full.
regarding, "during long term storage", remember this....the water you mentioned that evaporated, condensed and then went *into* the carboy is only half your equation......the wine itself can also evaporate up into the inner cap and condense and trail down into the water/kmeta/vodka in your air lock......when you feel it is right time...get a solid bung for long term storage
I agree with Al. No need to leave an air lock on the wine for very long.
I agree with Al. No need to leave an air lock on the wine for very long.

How do you know when it's time to add a solid bung? Is there a rule of thumb. I'm 3 weeks into my bulk storage of WE Cab and WE Italian Montep.

Thank you,

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