Time is real. It's a dimension same as the others, but it's one direction. We move froward through it.
The concept of time is not solely based in observation. The degradation of bonds at an atomic level would happen if observed or not, so time in this regard is a very real concept. We unit it the way we see fit, but there are more scientific methods of measurement, like the Plank length.
So let me ask..
If time is real, and is a part of the universe, then did time exist before the big bang?
If not, then how could the big bang be possible? Time did not exist.
If it did exist before the big bang, then how could it be real (existing before anything could exist)?
I know zip about physics but don't physicists agree that there is nothing inherent about time that prevents the vector moving in any direction (although presumably the second law of thermodynamics would suggest that systems move from order to chaos (from hot to cold) as time progresses and not from disorder to order - except in the case of life itself (perhaps) so at some point in time the expansion of the universe will slow down ... stop ... and then ... what? Contract? So the universe itself will become an unimaginably massive but unimaginably tiny black hole ...
here is my question... Is time real?
All you smart people and non of you could answer my thread/question of why my Chardonnay has white floatong haze in the bottles.
I just finished reading "The Dragons of Eden." ....
Time is like a line with no beginning and no end, we just cut out pieces of it and call it a day or a week.
Except that it DID appear to have a beginning.
ticking away the moments
that make up a dull day
fritter and waste the hours
in an off-hand way
kicking around on a piece of ground
in your home town
waiting for someone or something
to show you the way
tired of lying in the sunshine
staying home to watch the rain
you are young and life is long
and there is time to kill today
and then the one day you find
ten years have got behind you
no one told you when to run
you missed the starting gun
and you run and you run
to catch up with the sun
but it's sinking
racing around
to come up behind you again
the sun is the same
in a relative way
but you're older
shorter of breath
and one day closer to death
every year is getting shorter
never seem to find the time
plans that either come to naught
or half a page of scribbled lines
hanging on in quiet desperation
is the english way
the time is gone
the song is over
thought i'd something more to say
home again
i like to be here
when i can
when i come home
cold and tired
it's good to warm my bones
beside the fire
far away
across the field
tolling on the iron bell
calls the faithful to their knees
to hear the softly spoken magic spell...
Better with something a bit more leafy than wine, but wine will do.
When was that beginning? If you say the big bang then how did the material for the big bang get there? I don't buy into the thought that something can be created from nothing. It is the old question why is there something rather than nothing. My mind just tells me even if you could go back to the beginning of time, "something" had to be here before that.