What is your WEIRDEST wine you made?

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I just did the first racking of a Jalapeno wine, and I started French Vanilla Coffee wine yesterday. LOL My basement smells awesome right now. The one I am not sure about is my Cinnamon Pumpkin Spice Wine, it tastes brutal now, but supposedly in about a year it will be much better.
I just did the first racking of a Jalapeno wine, and I started French Vanilla Coffee wine yesterday. LOL My basement smells awesome right now. The one I am not sure about is my Cinnamon Pumpkin Spice Wine, it tastes brutal now, but supposedly in about a year it will be much better.

I made a pumpkin spice last year, it was for Thanksgiving this year. It wasn't bad but the spices overpowered the pumpkin. I have two bottles aging for next year, I am hoping the pumpkin will come forward a little better.

made a gallon with "Ace" vitamin fruit drink, had carrot, orange, lemon in it, looked like da glo paint at first, then cleared to a golden! white, it was fine after maturing, a friend has just told me that he has an Ace and Apple on the go!
I have made a wine that is 2 parts red bell pepper and one part peach. I looks like a peach wine, and I'm having problems getting it to clear. Initially, when it went dry, I thought it wasn't all that good and would need back sweetening, but with some age, it seems to be getting better and I might leave it dry.
I tried that milk wine recipe that was in a thread here last year. The color was green, I kid you not, and I did it because I wanted the high alcohol cheese that was a bi product of the stuff. I hated the cheese, and I dumped the wine.
I tried that milk wine recipe that was in a thread here last year. The color was green, I kid you not, and I did it because I wanted the high alcohol cheese that was a bi product of the stuff. I hated the cheese, and I dumped the wine.

Shallon Winery in Astoria, OR makes a cranberry whey wine. I love the stuff. It looks like cranberry juice, as it is quite clear.
I have made a wine that is 2 parts red bell pepper and one part peach. I looks like a peach wine, and I'm having problems getting it to clear. Initially, when it went dry, I thought it wasn't all that good and would need back sweetening, but with some age, it seems to be getting better and I might leave it dry.

Oh you might have my interest in this. Keep us posted.

I tried that milk wine recipe that was in a thread here last year. The color was green, I kid you not, and I did it because I wanted the high alcohol cheese that was a bi product of the stuff. I hated the cheese, and I dumped the wine.


milk wine? YUCK hehehhe

you'll be suggesting steak wine next :p

Hows this for weird

I was given 5ltrs out of date chilli cola and decided to make it into wine, 1gal with 2 1/2 ltrs + 1ltr redgrape+ sugar to 1080, nutrient, acid, dessert wine yeast etc, and a similar gallon using dark brown sugar, both working away, who knows what it will be like!!:dg:s/ :try
take your pick

jalapeno (good, but only if you like it really hot)
rasp chipotle (the most interesting wine to taste)
jalapeno apple (eh, ok i guess, but others though it was ok)
basil (2 varieties of basil- thai basil being better of the two, like lemon)
tomato (pizza sauce taste)
green tomato (much better than the ripe ones, unless you love the taste of pizza sauce)
and there's more, but these have the oddest flavor to them.

the best of them was the rasp chipotle. it's a roller coaster of sweet rasp, turning to a smokey pepper and ending with a mild heat. or for you not so heat friendly folk, some would call it hot. about as hot as "mild" from taco bell and very short lived as you want to do the roller coaster flavor again. :p
Wheres our buddy seth? He has a list going. We may need to clear some server space if he decides to list them.

At least this thread will assure him he isn't alone in his experimentation.!!

Good luck to all you brave souls who have went outside the norm.
Here's my list along with a critique:

Carrot Wheat: One of my first weird wines, I made it too strong and bottled it cloudy. I think the flavor would have been quite nice if the alcohol wouldn't have been so high. I might try this one again some day.

Maize: (Corn to those of us in North America) Not bad. It also had oranges in it, so the citrus flavor was a nice complement. Took a long time to ferment, had a lovely dark golden color.

Morning Glory: Fragrant nose but bitter to the tongue. Trippy.

Stinging nettle (Burn nettle): Tastes medicinal. Supposed to be good for you and cure all that ails you, but the taste is like Listerine.

Dandelion: Tried 3 times with different recipes. All tasted like butt.

Banana: Not really my cup of tea. Kinda banana-ee, but it seems the bitterness of the skins comes through too much. My recipe specifically said to include the skins.
Potato & Onion....Tastes great, smells like *****....

Parsnip & Pineapple......smells divine, tastes like petrol

Coffee.....growing on me, another 7 years in the bottle should help!!!
haha, Well unfortunantly it seems i wasnt the first to make a milk wine but i think i was the first one here to make a high-potency cinamon flavoured milkmilk wine. Started out green before i added the cinamon now its brown ish lol.

Now im oaking it so lord knows what its gona look and taste like in a couple of months.