What R you doing today?

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first day of training on my floor........ummmmmmm im SOOOOOOOO tired!!! im gonna loose weight at this job with all the stairs i gotta walk and the fact i have to park a half mile from the door LMAO!!! DANGUM!!! im whooped! time for a nap ...........nope nm .....time to sweep and clean a bit!!! oh man i got spoiled over the summer LMAO!
PUPPIES!!! WE HAVE PUPPIESS!!!!! as if yall didnt see the other thread LMAO! :) sorry im just so happy! i LOVE puppy breath!
Ahh dog breath from the "other" side..
U talk through experience?
going out to dinner with a friend tonight (her treat, yea!) and then some night swimming (because it deserves a quiet night....Ha! After alcohol....NOT.)
Ahh dog breath from the "other" side..
U talk through experience?

OMG the last 2 weeks Momma Dog has been rotten!!! i dont know why it is every time shes preg in the last 2 weeks u cant stand to breath around her LOL!

got lots to do today, need to catch up on laundry, do home work and play with puppies LOL!
Just got home with a bushel of peaches. :db
Getting my recipe printed off and a game plan together.
My wife and I will be prepping peaches for a little while.
My first weekend off. I cleaned up a little bit. Checked on my batch of Joe's Ancient Orange Mead. It's bubbling steadily in a 1 gallon jug. I normally ferment in a primary bucket but decided to follow the directions. Didn't bother to take an SG reading. I figure that the yeast will give out before it turns to rocket fuel. One gallon experiments are fun.
Going to rack the Bella Bianco and meritage if I get around to it today.
I'll start MLF on the cabernet sauvignon today too. Perhaps I should rack it first though...
While all that is going on, Kat is at her dance class then going to try on wedding dresses.
Rode up to Shanksville, PA to see the 911 memorial and crash site with a member from our fire department and a few other fire men and women from various departments. It was a nice ride and it is very serene at the site.

Let us all remember on this day all the Americans who lost their lives needlessly. And let us all say a prayer for our Men and Women serving in the Armed Forces so that they will be safe for another day.
Rode up to Shanksville, PA to see the 911 memorial and crash site with a member from our fire department and a few other fire men and women from various departments. It was a nice ride and it is very serene at the site.

Let us all remember on this day all the Americans who lost their lives needlessly. And let us all say a prayer for our Men and Women serving in the Armed Forces so that they will be safe for another day.

Good comment, thanks Doug for posting this.
Good comment, thanks Doug for posting this.

yeah, thanks doug!

what am i doing today...not much of anything at the present...took son to a fundraising trapshoot this morning...now just hanging out with the computer, the tv and a book. when i get bored with one, i switch to the other,lol

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