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Very nice Doug, thanks. I ordered a Orange Chocolate Port from George today and picked up a World Vineyard South African Chenin Blanc locally. I made this earlier this year and it is excellent. Where the hell is Troy? Ive heard of calling the dr after four hours but 4 weeks? Thats crazy.
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Watching all the footage of 9-11 as I type and just went down and ordered my grapes and they should be in on Friday! Getting 3 lugs of Chard from lodi and 3 lugs of Petite Sirah from Suisan Valley.
Getting ready to go finish trimming that Mulberry tree in the back yard. Started it ages ago, finally have a day where both me and my son are available. Taking advantage of it.
We got up at 330AM to get Itsuko to the airport at 5AM for her flight to Chicago to catch her connecting flight to Tokyo for a months stay. I have stocked up on TV dinners. I think a nap may be in order today.
Racked my guava/peach and added an F-pac with out the extra sugar. I hope to keep the flavor but not sweeten it.
Now I'm doing so cooking while Nan is napping. Today is her day off.
Trees all cut up, tard is clean, I have about 3 truck loads of branches to get rid of. I'm Whooooped. Going to make dinner and have wine...or wine then dinner.
oh man im so DONE! its only sunday and im ready for next weekend already LMAO! seriously tho. Im loviing my newjob even if it keeps me MOVING constantly!! im no longer at a sedentary job and its really nice. though i may need to invest in a better pair of walking shoes!! thank goodness im allowed to wear sneakers!!! in fact i wear scrubs!! soooooooooooo comffffyyyyyyyy!!! i could get used to this!

the puppies are all gaining weight! some slower than others and one like a freaking CHAP!! that little girls gonna be a biggun! they are all latching on and eating just fine, and some allready pushing up and trying to walk, but thier little legs give out after one giat HEAVE and they go back to crawling!! its so cute to watch them walk and roll and crawl all over each other!! we do have a runt who we pick up and put on a teat every time we walk by. gonna get her fat soon!!
oh man...
chco female= angel
black solid female= princes
black male= shadow
black female with star=dot
yellow male= junior
yellow females= yakko, wakko, fanny

fanny and junior are the two biggest
oh man...
chco female= angel
black solid female= princes
black male= shadow
black female with star=dot
yellow male= junior
yellow females= yakko, wakko, fanny

fanny and junior are the two biggest
No wine names?
Have you also considered
Hickory, Dickery & Dot..LOL 1st 2 would go well with the black female w/Dot.
yakko and wacko go with dot if u remember the old animaniacs of the 90s.....last litter we had pinky and the brain LOL
went out and started cleaning up the garden area then pulled the grow tubes off my new cuttings so they could start to get toughen up for winter then went into the vineyard and tied up a few of the older grape vine which next year I should get some grape from them waiting for my vineyard to start to produce is just as hard as waiting for a good wine to age.
yakko and wacko go with dot if u remember the old animaniacs of the 90s.....last litter we had pinky and the brain LOL

Darling,,, just FYI,,
the animaniacs of the 90's are not old!!!!!
Bugs Bunny from the 60's is old....
And boy do I miss those cartoons.
Seeing how I am picking up 6 buckets of juice on Thursday and I don't think my dear wife would appreciate them sitting in the kitchen. I started the undaunting task of cleaning up the benches in the basement. Keep in mind my house was built in 1903, I have sandstone walls, and a basment floor that has exactly zero level spots. I had built the benches when I flew radio control airplanes so they are over near the furnace where there is a vent for heat in the winter. I only have 2 more nights to clean up and I have stuff for council that has to take place both evenings. I will do the best I can to get the benches as clean as possible prior to Thursday but I have a feeling I will be cleaning over the weekend to get it somewhat presentable. I promise to keep the lids on the primaries while any cleaning is occuring. Once this is cleaned up I'll frame a wall and make it a separate area of the basement where it can hopefully stay somewhat clean. I may have to take a 1/2 day on Wednesday so that I can clean before THursday.
Why dont you pour some leveling ceen in there? My basement was pretty bad also and thats what I did. the stuff works awesome! I did a small room at a time.
Doug, just hang the buckets from the ceiling. :) As wade said, level the floor someday. One step at a time.

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