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OMG it's so hot here, you don't need a blanket at night.. I could just roll in that snow photo!

snow angels sound heavenly

:tz:db:r Did I tell you guys I live in the snow Belt. Oh yeah, its sunny and got about an inch of snow last night!:sm

Had to travel South though this morning about 70 miles and saw what Julie was talking about. Kinda cool when that one freak snow misses us stays South!
ROTFLMAO at you all. At least you don't have 7 months of winter!

Actually, they just said it looks like this year(in Fairbanks) is probably going to be a record for the second least snowfall in a winter and we've only seen -30F or colder like 10 days, and only two of those at -40F. Pretty rare here.

But none the less, I stick my tounge out at you with my thumbs in my ears, Naeh, naeh, nuh, naen nuh!!!

Whos front door is that?

Heres my thoughts.

Snow sculpture.jpg

Wolfs front door.jpg


ice wine.jpg

car heat duct.jpg
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Going to lable and capsule the 2 6 gallon batches I bottled last weekend and probably sweeten my Elderberry batch and bottle that next weekend.
I'm designing a kitchen for a friend. If he goes for it I'll be doing the renovation, too. :)
After running calls from 9:30 Friday night until 7:30 Saturday morning I took a shower napped for an hour or so then went out and relieved our borough crews plowig for 8 hours. Came home at 8:00 last night, turned off all pagers and radio equipment and slept like a baby.

Today I cleared the rest of the snow from the driveway, unburried my wifes car then helped 2 neighbors get unburried. I still have to unbury my daughters car, but she doesnt have school tomorrow.

I did check the Island Mist Blackberry Cabernet, the sg was at 1.014, going to wait until tomorrow to transfer to the carboy.
Well I had an eye appointment today ,need new glasses but no surprise to me . So on the way home I decide to go into surplus discount store that I haven't been in for awhile well I find out they have some more wine bars is what they call them ,It's a wine rack & glass holder on the bottom with a drawer for holding your opener and such at the top .The regular store price is $299.00 they had them for $89.00 but had just marked them down to $68.00 so I bought myself one with the money I got for my Birthday last week .They also have a 36 bottle wooden wine rack there for $38.00 but had to check to see if I had room for it before I spent the money on it .I need to do some serious reoganizing of our house .Since it looks like our oldest son won't be moving out anytime soon because his health has been so bad the last couple of months & missing time at work to afford his own place right now I can't take over his bedroom just yet with the wine supplies .So will have to come with another plan .
I haven't got the wine bar out of trunk yet so I can't show you a pic but will once I get it together .
Wearing blue jeans to work for the third day in a row, :pty schools are closed again.

Whooo Hoooo good for you Julie... Looked outside this AM, we picked up another 3-4 inches since 11:00 last night judging from my car. Working from home today then I have a council meeting this evening.

Anyone who has to venture out in the snow this am, be careful....
As we speak I am heating water to clean everything to start a batch of Skeeter Pee. Gotta have the Pee in a bucket, or at least go behind a tree.

Talked to the owner of the LHBS today, her and the hubby are still looking at expanding and I might beable to manage it this spring well July or so. YIKES, gonna have to fake my way through this one.

Afraid of the snow huh? Take a look at the thread I posted about the mushers.

Even an Ostrich can ski !!
Skiing ostrich

As promised:

i've never uploaded a skiing ostrich before. i hope it makes it, at this minute Kung Foo Fighting is playing on my Jukebox, too funny!!!
Let me try this again. Apparently I cant upload videos, so you'll have to check it out from here. This is pretty funny, if you have young children, bring 'em in the room. An ostrich may not beable to fly, but by golly, it can ski.
Whooo Hoooo good for you Julie... Looked outside this AM, we picked up another 3-4 inches since 11:00 last night judging from my car. Working from home today then I have a council meeting this evening.

Anyone who has to venture out in the snow this am, be careful....

LOL, I only have to drive up over the hill, roughly 500 yards. I like to go into work and let everyone know that I made it ok not to worry. :)

I have a board meeting tonight, I doubt that they would cancel that but one could hope.
YIKES nothing like a good shot of K meta fumes to remind a person...WE are brewing again!!! Yeah. Pee on the way. Gonna crank this one up a bit maybe 14 or 16%. I have no reason except that i can.

Sneeze, sneeze, that stuff is pretty bad!

Got a batch of hodge podge coming up. 4# canned pumpkin, I can each, 12 oz. Dole Orange Peach Mango, and one can Orange Strawberry Banana (dole frozen concentrate). And one can of Jellied Cranberry Sauce(16 oz.wt.)

Hodge Podge sounds to rough. I might go with WTF?
Elderberry is right behind it.

HeeHee. LOL

For now, I am concentrating on the Pee.
Waiting to find out if they have a bed for my son at the hospital in Halifax . Could be along day driving there is 1 hour plus the time it takes to get him set up with what's going to happen .