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I had intended to spend part of the day in the wine room however after finishing up the canoe lift I put in the garage to store it at ceiling level it was so nice out and when I got on my motorcycle I just couldn't get off of it. What a nice day to be outside!
Wow, what a busy wine weekend.
I re-degased the Yakima Syrah w/grape pack, CC Showcase, that was fizzy after being in the bottle 10 weeks.
Filtered and bottled five gallons of Cabernet/Shiraz Australian, MM Renaissance and five gallons of Petit Verdot with grape pack, WE. Also degassed and finned Riesling Ice Wine style, WE. Too tired to start the Nebbiolio, CC, LR that arrived several days ago.
Doug try a bench test of Niagara/concord at a 50/50 ratio. I did this last year and it went over very well.

We did try that later in the evening with the excess from the sugar. Excellent combination. We will likely make part of this a blend at bottling time. I/We enjoyed it.

Yes, Doug, it was a bucket from L'uva Bella I got last fall. I put 3 ounces of medium toast French oak cubes in it for about 6 weeks. I may bottle it tomorrow. I think it's going to be pretty good. We'll see!!

I ended up bottling mine yesterday. I used 1 stick of medium american oak. Very good taste, almost creamy tasting.
I applied for a new job last night... Kinda fed up with my bosses ever changing mood, and my lack of good pay.. Not really looking to hard since I do LOVE what I do, but I am keeping eyes open... maybe this one will pan out, if not at least Im happy huh ... :)
I applied for a new job last night... Kinda fed up with my bosses ever changing mood, and my lack of good pay.. Not really looking to hard since I do LOVE what I do, but I am keeping eyes open... maybe this one will pan out, if not at least Im happy huh ... :)

Good Luck, you know sometimes we don't move on cuz we kinda sorta like what you do but when you do move on you realize that this is waaaay better!
Came close to doing the deed Tues PM. had good help on my side and made the right ph calls. SS disability appt on Monday. X ur fingers, last hope

There isn't a day that goes by that I am not thinking about you and praying, hang in.
Came close to doing the deed Tues PM. had good help on my side and made the right ph calls. SS disability appt on Monday. X ur fingers, last hope

Oh Dear Lord! Just hang in there, ok? I know you are going thru some really rough times right now but just hand in there, if you don't fight it won't get better.
Thats 1 reason I'm not on as much.. It's saoo hard. I have alot of good "syke" drfugs which helps....:ts
Tom, looks like I missed something while I was away... Whatever it is hope all gets better and fast, Life can sure get in the way at times (((((((((HUGS)))))))))
Goog Luck! Wow this is the class I would love to take some day if it was ever offered around here. How long was it and was it difficult? Feelings on the class?

The NW Wine Institute is part of the Culinary School at South Seattle Community College. I am working toward an AAS in Winemaking. The course was a standard quarter worth 3 credits. It wasn't very hard, partly because I have been making wine for several years but I still learned a crap ton about how to pick out all the different aromas and flavors. Plus every week we sampled 6-8 different wines so I got to try some wines I probably never would have on my own.

I also took Intro to Enology at the same time and next quarter I am taking Wine Chemistry. I already suggested they offer some kind of online program for people who don't live close enough to attend but want to learn. Maybe not an accredited class but as a Continuing Ed.:dg
Working OT today to make extra money for more wine goodies! Got an email this morning from a winery about an hour from my house. They are offering me all the used bottles I can carry off.

Finally! Endless free bottles! I knew they were out there somewhere! :r
Chris good for you. Keep going as there is so much to learn I wish I had a place close to me to take these classes. I don't think I have the discipline or time to do an online coarse.
Danger, nice find on the bottles. Still getting mine by ones and twos from friends. I need to find a better source get more at one time or get my friends to drink more:dg. Especially if the labels are easy to clean off that's a plus.
Danger, nice find on the bottles. Still getting mine by ones and twos from friends. I need to find a better source get more at one time or get my friends to drink more:dg. Especially if the labels are easy to clean off that's a plus.

I soak mine overnight in a deep sink of hot water, then scrape the label with a razor blade and tidy it up with steel wool. A little work involved, but worth it for the price (free).:r

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