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Went down to Annapolis to Whole Foods n Ulta today. Had a great time with Ky. Then we came home, cleaned a bit and then bottled the Blueberry Shiraz.... forgot to sanitize one cork so looks like I'll be drinking a bottle.... :)
HAHAHAHAHAH D'OH I've been caught!!!! :) well..... its the first GREAT batch I've had in a while.. heck it's the first batch I've done in over a year 0.o Sooooooo good to be back!!!!!
I racked my Pear Chardonnay this morning then we took our dogs on their first canoeing excursion. They did great until the Pomeranian saw ducks take off then jumped in after them. After he jumped in he had this OH CRAP look on his face. We stopped so I could lift him out.

Oscar and Hairy.jpg

Wet Pom.jpg
ROFLMAO Rick!!! Poor wet pup!!! Hows the water in Ohio?? We went out yesterday and it was hella cold dripping off the paddles onto my legs but so worth it!!!! Great pics thanks for sharing :)
Finally back to work after a short hiatus due to a freak seizure episode last Thursday (I've never had seizures before, so we have some tests scheduled to figure out whats going on). Can't drive for 6 months though :(

Got an itch that I want to scratch -- I feel that the concord and pinot noir wines I have bulk aging have been aging long enough! I plan to purchase some super kleer kc for the pinot (it still looks ever so slightly cloudy even after 3 rackings and 3 months of aging, and there is currently no visible sediment).

Curious if anyone has any suggestions on bottle fillers? Been looking at the Ferrari Automatic Bottle Filler and it looks like an easy to use piece of equipment. Only curious if I have to use an auto-siphon or not (I've been using a carboy cap to perform the rackings).
just got done with bottling the moscato that I got last August and racked the concord, this stuff really had a lot of crystals sticking to the side of th carboy, the taste is pretty good.

I now have 6g carboys empty for my buckets that I am picking up on the 31st.:db
just got done with bottling the moscato that I got last August and racked the concord, this stuff really had a lot of crystals sticking to the side of th carboy, the taste is pretty good.

I now have 6g carboys empty for my buckets that I am picking up on the 31st.:db
Julie, did they both have the tartrates? Where did they come from? Walkers? I know everything I got this year from the Lake Erie Region was very high in tartrates which is the norm.
It's been a rough day. Thankfull I have stuff to plan and work on to keep my mind from wandering to badly
Julie, did they both have the tartrates? Where did they come from? Walkers? I know everything I got this year from the Lake Erie Region was very high in tartrates which is the norm.

I don't have much from my concord but I can say that the Niagra and Catawba dropped a ton of acid. All have been back sweetened, none bottled as of yet.
Julie, did they both have the tartrates? Where did they come from? Walkers? I know everything I got this year from the Lake Erie Region was very high in tartrates which is the norm.

Just the concord had the crystals and they came from a friends backyard. The concord that I have in my backyard didn't yield any crystals. The moscato's came from Luva Bella's and no crystals. I ended up having to put SuperKlear to the moscato's to get it to clear so that might have knock out some crystals. I was amazed at how clear the moscato was.
I like the Buon Vino Gravity filler of all the fillers under $40.00.

Awesome, thanks for the suggestion, I'll look into it!!

EDIT: Do you know of a vendor that offers these? Been doing some google searches... no luck so far (though a lot of winemakingtalk.com shows up! lol)
DOUBLE EDIT: Found it here. Is this the right item? It doesn't say anything about hose sizes -- I have 5/16" hose at the moment.
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Going to bottle the 2nd batch of pee at some point today. I also need to rack off the peach wine. It's been in secodary almost a month now and is mostly clear. Will add kmeta and sorbate today.