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Getting ready for a week off from work :D

I was talking to friends of mine last night and they have a relative who gave their kids each a bottle of port when they were born. The idea is to age it for 21 years and then give to them for their 21st birthday. Cool idea IMO.
Busy day started with rehersal for eldest son's wedding which is tomorrow. Then hom to play a while with the 5 y/o. Aftert that we had a 5 y/o bday party at a bowling alley(they had wine cheap). We got home from that at 8:45, eldest son asked me to bottle his 2 y/o JOAM mead. smells great, did nt taste. Now having a glass of Catawba. Nearest hotel from the wedding is 12 miles, Julie is 4, may be knock, knock'in on heaven's(julie's) door about 10:00 PM. (Just kidding Julie, we'll sleep in the driveway. Have coffee ready if there is a strange vehicle in your driveway tell mike to knock before shooting.)

Seriously though. Will have a glass or 2 but have to drive home. Most of the beverages will be water.......:(
Busy day started with rehersal for eldest son's wedding which is tomorrow. Then hom to play a while with the 5 y/o. Aftert that we had a 5 y/o bday party at a bowling alley(they had wine cheap). We got home from that at 8:45, eldest son asked me to bottle his 2 y/o JOAM mead. smells great, did nt taste. Now having a glass of Catawba. Nearest hotel from the wedding is 12 miles, Julie is 4, may be knock, knock'in on heaven's(julie's) door about 10:00 PM. (Just kidding Julie, we'll sleep in the driveway. Have coffee ready if there is a strange vehicle in your driveway tell mike to knock before shooting.)

Seriously though. Will have a glass or 2 but have to drive home. Most of the beverages will be water.......:(

Some days you have to do what ya gotta do.:gn

congrads on the son's wedding and gaining a new daughter!
racked the Pinot Noir (sg 10.20) from the bucket to glass. Getting ready to move the Chardonnay and Cab Sauv to glass also. But, its off to WV for a one day outage then to NJ for a two day meeting. I hope my wines survive until I return....
I heard there's a party at Julies house tonight.

Did a lot of planting today. I filled out my trellis with 3 Noirette vines and 2 Traminette. Then I planted another Noirette and 2 Traminette vines around the grape arbor.

This required transplanting a red raspberry plant and making the choice to uproot my one and only concord vine to make room. I intended to let the concord go, but I just couldn't, so I replanted it in a temporary location until I can find it a new owner.

So that brings me to 20 vines, I'm full for now.
............Nearest hotel from the wedding is 12 miles, Julie is 4, may be knock, knock'in on heaven's(julie's) door about 10:00 PM. (Just kidding Julie, we'll sleep in the driveway. Have coffee ready if there is a strange vehicle in your driveway tell mike to knock before shooting.)..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

4 miles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where was this reception? Hope you had a good time.

DAN if I'm having a party at my house you are supply all the wine :ft
Gotta cram n finish this homework so I can get out on the Kayak!!! What a beautiful day! I need a bit of tan to.... tho a life vest tan isn't to very attractive LOL! Hope everyone is having great weather and has a great day!

I'm gettin a bit discourage on this diet thing :-( I have been stuck at 48 pounds lost for almost 2 weeks now.... SO close to the 50 mark and I can not seem to reach it no matter how little food I put in my mouth GRRRRRRR!
ROFLMAO!!!! We just got back from Kayaking... I tried to upload the video but it wont let me :( go to my FB and watch it... SOOOOOOO worth the time LOLOL!
4 miles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where was this reception? Hope you had a good time.

DAN if I'm having a party at my house you are supply all the wine :ft

Reception was at Lingrow Farm. Actually probably more than 4 miles but it's still closer than the nearest hotel. At least you're only 1 exit away. Olesia behaved and she drove home. I had a helluva good time and my wine was a hit with everyone who tried it.

We had nothing but compliments on how Steve ran everything, he is truely a top notch professional. Thanks again for being part of their special day Steve.
Doug, glad to hear the reception went so well and Olesia behaved herself :) you soooo owe her big time! And you know it does not surprise me that Steve is such a professional at his job.
Gotta cram n finish this homework so I can get out on the Kayak!!! What a beautiful day! I need a bit of tan to.... tho a life vest tan isn't to very attractive LOL! Hope everyone is having great weather and has a great day!

I'm gettin a bit discourage on this diet thing :-( I have been stuck at 48 pounds lost for almost 2 weeks now.... SO close to the 50 mark and I can not seem to reach it no matter how little food I put in my mouth GRRRRRRR!

Don't get discourage, you are on a plateau and you might be here for a few weeks, you need to figure out how to switch up the diet and exercise that you are currently doing, your body has grown used to it and has adjusted.
Had a great weekend, boy, thought I would never see a great weekend! As most of you know, I had a brother who died, then last week, my mom was rushed to the hospital with possible pnuemonia but that was caught very early and turned out ok, then I ended up in an urgent care in South Caroline with a kidney infection then on the way home last Monday, my guy who works in the warehouse that I oversee, is off last week because his girlfiend and mother of three of his children had died in an accident. Here she was working out in the yard and his oldest daugher who is only 15 was backing up a pickup, she lost control and ran over her mother. This was another blindside and just so horrific.

Anyway, this weekend was very nice, had a great time with some jeep friends, went on a great trail ride today and staying positive that better things are to come. :b :db
Julie, I sooooo know! The prob is I haddn't been working out cuz of time issues, I don't know how to manage and change that :(

Kayaking was a blast today here are a few pics :)




Julie, I sooooo know! The prob is I haddn't been working out cuz of time issues, I don't know how to manage and change that :(

Kayaking was a blast today here are a few pics :)

I was checking them out on facebook, love the pics, you guys look like you were having a great time.

I hear you about the time thing, I missed the last basement steps last April and bruised my kneecap, it has taken over 9 months for it to heal. I am now finally getting back into exercising. I am thankful that all I did was gain 6 pounds, now to take that off and the other 20 and I will be one happy girl. You know kayaking is a great exercise so you got that one in!!!!!!!!!!
Julie glad to hear you finally got a break and had some Julie time for fun.

Doug, happy to hear the wedding went well and no surprise about Steve being tops in the business.

Nikki, Your looking great. As you know I also love kayaking but it's a little early to go our around hear yet. I use to go out in the cold water when I had the proper gear but it just doesn't really appeal to me now a days.
Dan, we do not have proper gear, but I am stubborn and refuse to pass up a sunny day! Teeeheeee :) Actually the water down here wasnt so bad yesterday, Hubby fell in while screwing around and wasn't chattering LOL! We went out the 2nd weekend in January as well, water was FREEZING then, but we didnt get wet so was ok :) We just got our kayaks last year, so I am not real advanced, but I enjoy it so much! I can't wait to find a nice rough river to go down though. Not rapids mind you, not yet anyways LOL!
I've never really tried a kayak before, I do enjoy canoeing though. I try to head down our local creek every year. They dredged the lower part 2 years ago and water levels really dropped. It takes about 2-3 hours to go from Canonsburg to Bridgeville based on the water levels. The leg from Heidleberg to Crafton is about the same.