Sitting here with a nice cup of coffee watching the sun come up, thinking about the pear wine and blueberry/ banana wine I am going to start in a couple of days.
Duster said:at it again this weekend.
40 lbs of peaches, 15 lbs of Catawba and 2 lbs bananas all into the 10 gallon fermentor for some Catawba Peach wine.
next was 5 gallon fresh cider went into the fermentor with 3 pounds dry malt extract and some Safbrew for some hard cider.
pjd said:I read the entire thread on Jalapeno wine and while I have made a couple batches before I never intended on drinking it. I just intended on cooking with it. Reading the thread inspired me to try another batch using apple juice and 8 peppers per gallon. Hoping for a hot sipper! Also started a batch of Garlic wine, this one for cooking only! Garlic, Jalapeno and Vadalia onion wines are a staple for cooking in this household!
Doug, bring your Muscadine down here and bring a trunk. You're gonna take home a boatload of medals....
That's awesome!!! Got to love it when someone acts like they know what they are talking about and then get busted when they are asked a question. Lol. I will be using the Carlos variety for my first attempt.
grapeman said:While winery and vineyard owners try to employ well informed guides, it isn't always possible for the part time guides to know all the facts the winery manager or vineyard owner would know. We all try to educate our employees, but can't anticipate all the possible questions that could be asked.
It is also possible that the resident winemaker does not want to divulge all their trade secrets. Would you expect to take a tour of Kentucky Fried Chicken and get the recipe to their seasoning blends? I speak generalities to most guests and that is usually enough for them. I do however cooperate with other wineries and we share information that is not exact specifics. The casual guest does not need to know the exact variety of grape, yeast, fermentation temperature, malolactic bacteria strain and so on. It is enough to tell them that a Muscadine is a Muscadine.