Bill, years ago, I took a job as a data consultant in NYC, the money was unreal, but the guys in charge were jackasses, like Julie mentioned, we walked on eggshells. We absolutely hated dealing with them, the one guy, a supervisor, couldn't handle the fact that a few of us knew much more than him, so he made a point of being a hard *** to the point of it being absurd.
The hrs were long, I had to be up at 4:30 am, at the train station by 6:15 am, make a mad dash down 5th ave to get to the office by 8am, if I wasn't done with a client in time in the afternoon and missed my train, I wouldn't get home until after 7:30 pm...then come home, eat dinner (by myself at that hr) shower, and time for bed so I would be rested up to do it all over....
My point is, the money was great, but the quality of life sucked...stress all the time.
I was happiest the day I decided that enough was enough and told the supervisor that the next time he talked down to me, I was going to toss him out of the 6th floor window....lmao....