I find using photo bucket much easier, its free and just takes a second and then posting pics anywhere is super easy and much faster.
I use thisSitting here drinking a glass of 3 year old Barolo and trying to figure out how to post a picture - there seems to be a limit of 19.5 kb but how do you get a picture that small? I'm techno challenged here and need some help!
Thanks guys. She is even cuter in person. ".
Thanks guys. She is even cuter in person. We have 2 older boys, ages 4 and 6, so we're pretty sure she's our last.
I started a cranberry melomel the day before she was born. Pitched the yeast and we headed off to the hospital. I know it's a lot to hope for, but maybe it'll last until she's of age to drink a bit. Mead's good like that.
The nurses thought it was funny I was reading The Compleat Meadmaker while waiting. And by "funny" I mean "obnoxious".
Headed out the door to go check on the ole homestead in Tionesta. We have not been able to get back the lane since January because of all the snow and lately we have been too busy. We are headed there today and hopefully everything is ok. This is a sure sign that summer is coming.
On the way back we will be stopping at a Winery that openned up last fall, can't remember the name but it is on 208 before you get to Fryburg.
have you ever eaten at Bucktail Inn in Fryburg? Have you notice I know all the good places to eat?
Mud, what a beautiful child. Congratulations.
She's lovely Mud..
she got your colouring too? Anyone else in the family with red hair?
The Bloke and I are off to do the photos for a wedding today..
He takes the photos and I lug the cameras/ lenses etc around after him..
tears and drama.. there's always at least one cock up..
fingers crossed the weather holds and it doesn't rain