After limping around the past few weeks I finally went and got my foot x-ray'd.....Son of a Bi**h if it isn't fractured....grrrrrrrr.... I can only hope that next year starts better than this one is ending...LOL
Now I'm stuck for a min. of 2-3 weeks in this big ole boot up to my knees....ok...I vented....I feel better!
Me and my family did something a little special this year - we spent the last 2 days at an indoor water park and theme park as we had large Buffett meals and all.
For the first time my boys left the phones in their rooms !!
Thanks Steve
I made a big pot of split pea soup using some nice smoked ham hocks I found at the local grocery then I started a 3-4 gallon batch of fermented hot pepper sauce then I decided to start a batch of RayWays Apricot-Habanero jelly. The apricots are rehydrating and I will finish the batch tomorrow. I hope I like it, I multiplied the recipe by six.
Paul,I'm going to Longwood Gardens today: