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I am bottling a Welch's white and a WE malbec shiraz blend. The Welch's is good and has the Pinot Grigio flavor profile I was after but it is missing something but I can't quite explain it. Kind of boring taste I guess. The mrs. Said I wasted perfectly good grape juice (she is not a wine drinker. My only concoction she will drink on purpose is skeeter pee). The Malbec/Shiraz is absolutely fantastic. I was planning on trying to age this for a year or so but I can tell you it isn't gonna happen. Better than my Lodi ranch eclipse cab sov kit. I might change my mind tomorrow. The Welch's works better than it tastes. Daddy's hand has been in the cookie jar a little to much tonight. You guys rock. Thanks for all the help!
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Bottled a batch of apple this past weekend; headed to Leesburg for the winemakers conference. Any one else going.
Unpacking :s . The trouble with having 2 residences these past few years is I've acquired doubles of almost everything ( yard sale in near future)
We've also ended up with too much stuff ! lol.
Did some testing on wines for a fellow winemaker, also checked my Cherry. TA was .68% may bsck sweeten that this evening. Will be putting about 2 cases of bottles in the sink to soak. Need to do some bottling this weekend. I have 24 cases of empties in the back of my truck that need filled. Figured on taking them out as I need them.
Thanks to D&O Cellars for running some analysis on our wines. We back adjusted the Moscato and backsweetened to 1.004. Now need to bottle the Pee, the Moscato and a semi-sweet Diamond.
Busy day

Busy day in the winery. Bottled 6 gallons of Pee, 6 Diamonds, 6 Pineapple Pear Pinot Grigio. Racked 15 gallons of Catawba. Racked the cherry and put the Brianna into glass. Thanks to my cellar rats Bret (my son) and John (his friend from up the street). I enjoyed thier help, though it does cost me bottles of wine.:h
Busy day in the winery. Bottled 6 gallons of Pee, 6 Diamonds, 6 Pineapple Pear Pinot Grigio. Racked 15 gallons of Catawba. Racked the cherry and put the Brianna into glass. Thanks to my cellar rats Bret (my son) and John (his friend from up the street). I enjoyed thier help, though it does cost me bottles of wine.:h

Man, that is a busy day! Makes me tired just reading it!
Backsweetened 6 gallons of Catawba in preparation for another bottling run this weekend. We will backsweeten the Diamond and maybe even the Cinnamon Pear.
Sanitizing bottles and cleaned the demijohn from all the diamonds that dropped out of the Catawba.
I've had some probs with my account the last few days, but it seems all cleared up. Yay! I can post again!

Yesterday, I took the hubby out to dinner, then "forced" him to go to the LHBS with me (muhaha, I was driving). I got a new 5 gal glass carboy, some yeasts, and a new carboy brush. He got his first beer kit and all the equipment he'd need to do it. Not a bad early Father's Day gift, right?

As an even better incentive to shop at the ONLY place I have to shop, I found out that I qualify for a 10% discount on brewing and wine making supplies and equipment at the LHBS (woulda been helpful to know before).

So this evening, I helped the hubby assemble one of our local magazines, watched Orange is the New Black, and led him though starting his very first beer kit.

He's learned quite a bit about wine making based on what I talk about with him, and it was super-cute when I explained that the kit extract was basically the same as the fruit in wine. He "got" the concept after that.

I really hope that him starting a hobby that is so closely intertwined with mine helps us not only have more in common, but strengthens our relationship.
Last day of First Grade for my baby girl. She is done at 12:30 today so I'm WFH. May see abbout finally getting the Catawba and Concord bottled and possibly a batch of fredonia.
Managed to d4op off a first grader and pick up a second grader today. Wine wise, I have 5 gallons of Catawba bottled and 5 gallons of concord ready to go..
I finished up bottling the Concord last night. The next few days will be spent back sweetening and hopefully bottling. The weekend is reserved for scraping, sanding and spot priming of the house....
I've got 3 gallons of concord aging for about 8 months now. I'll take a taste this weekend to see if it's ready to bottle.