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Checking out the four buckets of juice FFemt128 brought me from Walkers. :db
We picked up cayuga, catawba, niagra and a cube of edelweiss for Julie. I picked up a Reisling, Pinot Gris, Isabella and a Catawba. The Catawba is for my son who is going to try his hand at winemaking. He previously made and still makes beer.
I picked up 30 diamonds, 30 catawbas, 5 Corot Noirs, 5 Fredonias, and 5 Raspberry Blush.

Dan, if I order some items from PIWC, can you deliver on Sunday to the AWC?
cayuga, catawba, niagra and a cube of edelweiss, yup those are mine and I would like to say, roflmao, the edelweiss is still slushy!!!! I wanted Traminette but they are sold out. Traminette is my new white favorite. Oh is it good.
More purging, a trip to Salvation Army, Sherwin Williams and Home Depot, along with some light packing. Moving right along...
cayuga, catawba, niagra and a cube of edelweiss, yup those are mine and I would like to say, roflmao, the edelweiss is still slushy!!!! I wanted Traminette but they are sold out. Traminette is my new white favorite. Oh is it good.

I love Traminette also. The Cayuga is a great blender with a lot of the whites or fruit wines.
Thanks Doug, I was planning on making it as its own wine. Lol, actually there is nothing in my cellar that isn't game to be blended! I like to bottle everything separate and then take a bottle of this and a bottle of that and see what it would taste like together.
well after spending the day in hospital we left for Calgary for 11 days. Just got back today. Bitter sweet. So glad to be back at home, yet missing the kids and grandbaby!
Thanks Doug, I was planning on making it as its own wine. Lol, actually there is nothing in my cellar that isn't game to be blended! I like to bottle everything separate and then take a bottle of this and a bottle of that and see what it would taste like together.

Can't wait to try the Muscadine blend you gave us. That was tasty..
Racked my 2013 Tosca Merlot off tartaric acid crystals. It's made an improvement, but I'm not there yet.

Racked my blueberry wine, which is nearly ready to f-pack and bottle. Also racked my brown sugar crab apple wine. Added 1/2 c Hazelnut Liqueur and brown sugar to S.G. 1.004. It's really coming along.

Started my March Wine of the Month - Blackberry Apricot Mead! So far, it's basically honey, water and yeast. :)
Today i'm doing...... nothing
brought up 2 batches to bottle last night, got 1 in bottles, left the other for tonight...
I guess i popped the cork off that bottle of Malbec a tad to early :dg
so the Raspberry DB is gonna spend one more night on the kitchen table :ib
Well since this was my 1st day home.. I racked 2 of my Barolo's and a Carmenere, prepared some labels and bottles for bottling my gewurztraminer and a pear wine and caught up on some of my reading here