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Actually we do. One of my cell mates at work (he's 180 deg from my computer screen) fishes where a few of our limestone runs (Letort, Silver Springs, Hoegstown Run) go into the Conodoguent. Occasionally he goes up to Newville where the Big Spring flows in (very large Rainbows and brookies in there). Especially from this time of the year on into January he captures quite a few monsters out of the tail waters where those runs come into the main creek. When he gets bored he goes over to the Yellow Breeches Creek for fun. He's a catch and release guy, but has quite the portfolio of 20+ inch trout.

It is insane that I don't fish hardly anymore. I have such a wealth of good water to fish. Guess life can sometimes get in the way! Never have time to tie flies anymore. Excuses, and more lame excuses.
I never guessed where the fish came from!

I'll have to get Brian to give me some of his better pictures and post them Monday evening. There are very few streams where you can haul out a 28" trout one day and a 48" muskie the next.
Allright @Petti : give us the scoop. Where are you fishing and who is your photographer?
Well, I'm from Calgary and I live on the Bow River. I am lucky cause I get to fish everyday when the weather is above 0. This Cuttbow was caught just south of the city in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. We have endless trout streams in Alberta, but don't tell anyone. Ha!

I am usually my own photographer but I got lucky with a friend who snapped a few good pics of me and a couple nice fish!

Cheers eh!
Jim- we are at Landsdowne in Leesburg, Va. Beautiful country.

Right around the corner. Enjoy!

It was hot today, but tomorrow should be great.

And BTW: You're in wine country too. Loudon County is full of wineries.
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Went for an early run (gorgeous weather for it here), grocery shopping. Getting ready to label and foil the 2014 Chilean Cab/Merlot. Later, we're headed downtown to take the kids to their first big league baseball game.
Just pitched yeast on about 450 (more or less) pounds of Chambourcin and about 125 pounds of St. Vincent. This is my first time making St. Vincent, so it will be a bit of an adventure for me. Chambourcin is a wine my wife and I absolutely love and so does our families, so we make quite a bit of it.

Thank goodness I didn't have to pick it. $0.75/lb crushed and destemmed. Can't beat that price here in Missouri with a stick.
Trying to make final preparations for the arrival of my grapes, which I'm told will be later this week. Gave the 2014 peach one last racking after back sweetening (hopefully bottle next week while the grapes are in primary), and racked the WE LR Super Tuscan. I love the WE high end reds, but my gosh, they throw a ton of sediment (actually, a couple tons). These really should be advertised as 5 gallon kits. This was my first racking after beginning the clearing process and I'm up to 3 bottles of top up wine so far (one going to secondary, and two tonight). I'll need at least one more. Sheesh!! I also attempted to calibrate the pH meter. Not successful. I think I need new 7.01 and 4.01 solutions. So I'll order those tonight (thank you, Amazon) and try again in a couple days. Also got some things just put away or out of the way in preparation for a couple of large primaries and the whole pressing process.

I've had some serious interest expressed to me from family wanting to know more about the wine making process - specifically my wife and mother - both of whom almost never, ever drink. Interesting. But my dad and brother in law are curious as well. So I threw a note out to the local family to see if anyone is interested in a "press party" next weekend. I can't do a crush party since my supplier crushes for me. And the press is a little less stressful - more work, but less stressful. So we'll see: maybe I'll have my first 'wine event' next weekend if people are available.
Just got home this evening from trip to Calgary to return our granddaughter.It's been an exhilarating but exhausting 2 weeks. (going to miss that little girl!)
Checked on my wines a while ago and think I should look at bottling a couple. Nice to get back to routine!

My LHBS is Northern Brewer. In addition to their online presence, they have local stores in Minneapolis and Milwaukee. During football season, they run promotions based on how the Packers or the Vikings perform, depending on area. If the home team wins on Sunday, they offer 20% off any one item on Monday.

Before describing my score, I would like to point out that it is much better to be in Milwaukee than in Minneapolis. Over the last 5 years, the Vikes have averaged 6 wins a season, whereas the Packers have averaged 12. Twice as many sales here!!

The Pack won yesterday, and I needed a kit, so I stopped by the store. I looked over the inventory, but then asked about their out-of-date kits. A few weeks ago, they had a large number of just-out-of-date kits on sale for 20% off. I did not get any of those, but asked about them today. I asked if I could apply the 20% off "Packer discount" to the already-discounted out-of-date items. The answer was "no," because the out-of-date items were already discounted fifty percent.

"Excuse me, did you say '50%'... 'Five-zero?' "
"Why, yes I did!"

Oh, boy! They only had 6 kits left at these prices, but I made off with a CC Showcase Rosso Fortissimo, and an Eclipse Nebbiolo. Both for about $180.
