Doing about the same as I have for the last week or so. Somehow wound up with a detached retina. Vision went to crap on Saturday. Monday called our eye doctor. Usually takes a month or more to get in. Was in at 9:00 tuestday. Eye doc says knows there is something wrong but too cloudy to see. Sent me to a retina specialist. Was in with him at 1:00. He found where things became detached. Said we could fix it with a lazer. Might sting a bit. Holy crap, sting was not quite the right word. After a bunch of shots with the lazer, not working. Doc tried to get mein the hospital yet tues. afternoon. No go, Wed. morning in and surgery. Back home, now keep your face level with the floor. Oh, for thenext couple weeks or so. Be a while, but vision is coming back. At least can get up and wander around some. No driving for a week or so yet, no lifting, reading is out, tv was pretty well out, went and bought some headphones and put audiobooks on the kindle. Been some long days, but is getting better and will get thru it. Words you never want to hear from your doc, detached retina. Will tell how it winds up when it happens. Arne.