I'm not even going to pretend I can afford this. The place has 6 suites. I can afford that, but we have been unbelievably fortunate. We are the only guests this week. Saturday we move down to another suite, we booked with short notice so I took the days I could with a gas Bbq and plunge pool. Moving on to charcoal next week.
I can be pretty anti social living out in the sticks. So we decided this might offer some more experiences sharing the place with others and getting their take. I can't lie. I don't feel that way anymore.

I have had absolutely no problem with enjoying all of it alone.
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Bluetooth speakers to enjoy some tunes while you soak in the pool.
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Volleyball evening lighting.
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The roof has a plunge pool and a panoramic view of the ocean.
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We have been running into to town for lunch and supplies daily, but the evenings are here cooking and soaking it all in. We want to do a river tour, a local has offered to take us fishing, and I want to see the jungle. Next week should be full of interesting stops. At least having the other suites fill up gives me a reason to get out and explore.