What R you doing today?

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Senior Member
Nov 6, 2006
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What R you doing today?
Today I bottled my Chilean Syrah and Chilean Cab/Franc. Total was a full 5 cases.
Also getting room for my 36 gallons of Italian juice comming in this weekend.
Here's whats left..

6 gal Apricot
6 gal Apple-Pear-Passion Fruit
6 gal Italian juice Brunello
6 gal Italian juice Amarone
12 gal Chilean juice Red Zin
12 gal Chilean juice Malbec
6 gal Pineapple
12 gal Peach
10 gal Bananna
6 gal Pear
6 gal CA juice Cab Sauvignon
6 gal CA juice Pinot Noir
6 gal CA juice Chianti
6 gal Ca juice Riesling
6 gal Ca juice Viognier
6 gal Carrot
6 gal Blackberry
starting this weekend ..
6 gal Italian juice Amarone
6 gal Italian juice Nebbiolo
6 gal Italian juice Dolcetto
6 gal Italian juice Valpolicello
6 gal Italian juice Frascati
6 gal Italian juice Verdicchio

Today... I pick up the new laundry sink and faucet and filtration system I'm installing in my little section of the basement which will serve as my brewing base ;) Pipes already installed last weekend. This weekend I pick up a new kit to be my first home-based brew!! WooT! Not sure what I'm going to get yet though lol
So far nothing wine related!!!
But I am really thinking about how good a glass would be right now. Is 3:30 in the afternoon too early? :h
Today has been one of those days that was good but very boring.
I've been working with our local community center here in our small town,,,(1 traffic light),,, to get a new building started. That has been an on going project for at least ten years, five of which I've been involved.
So finally I sat thru four hours of county commission meetings today to hear them say, it's time to do this. This time next year, we'll have a new community center building!! :r Hopefully about 4200 square feet!
And by the way Tom, your list is impressive!
Today I am learrning how to hobble around with one foot. drinking and crutches could be a scary combo:)

Trying to procure the rest of the materials need to build a wheelchair ramp for a old timer here who is a disabled vet and can't wait any longer for the VA to help him, so with the Disabled Vaets of America I will find the materials needed. I am hoping not to have to build it myself but I will if I have to.

Need to get to the brew shop and get the yeast to pitch into my cranberry/pomegranite, it is past the pectin stage and is waiting to begin to bubble.

Sharpening up the snow shovel, feels like snow for sure in the air. My money is on the eight, I may not win this year but I think I am going to come close.

Got bad news today about a young friend(18 yo) that was killed in a car accident last month, not sure how I was the last to know but I was. Need to deal with his Mom and their family. On top of that the mom is terminally ill and there are many other problems facing them. Time to be a true Alaskan and step up and see where I can help.

Got gallons of cran/pomegranite on the counter that needs to be moved. Guess i didn't think about that when I mixed it all up. It's damn sure not going on the frig!!!LOL

What am I doing today? I am giving my thanks that I woke up alive and healthy today and that I can hope that those in my family and those I call my friends are doing okay. I also prayed that if there was anythng I could do to help any of them, that the strength would be sent my way.

Take Care,
I'm planting grapevines and preparing a new area to plant the raspberries into over the next few days. It's a bit windy but sunny so I'll take the opportunity while the weather is cooperating.

I have 10 gallons of merlot ready to bottle and only 30 bottles available..some of it will have to bulk store a bit longer.

Preparing to pick pecans. With all the recent heavy rain and wind the pecans are covering the ground...8 trees worth.
OK let me guess what you are gonna do with them. What plans do you have?
Besides working...got home, walked the muts, turned the portable heater on in the laundry room because my WE Luna Rossa doesn't want to degass (methinks a brewbelt is going to be likely purchase).

Now I'm cooking dinner and sipping some Welch's recipe, while watching Hulu.

OK let me guess what you are gonna do with them. What plans do you have?

My wife has orders for 80# of shelled pecans which is 250# raw. I sell some outright and many go into the freezer mainly to use in pastries and pies.
And how many #'s do you think you will get from those trees?
Tom, Yes I dd get the Isabella from Walkers. Had it in the carboy for 7 months. Tried it last nite while bottleing and I think it'll need another 4-6 months before its ready. I am going back up to Walker's this week and picking 7 gallons of Cranberry and about 13 gallons of Niagara. I also picked up some Rhubarb from them earlier this summer that I will be bottleing in about 5 weeks.
Tom, Yes I dd get the Isabella from Walkers. Had it in the carboy for 7 months. Tried it last nite while bottleing and I think it'll need another 4-6 months before its ready. I am going back up to Walker's this week and picking 7 gallons of Cranberry and about 13 gallons of Niagara. I also picked up some Rhubarb from them earlier this summer that I will be bottleing in about 5 weeks.

"Must" be nice to live nearby !
I am about 50 miles from Walkers so its only an hour drive making it worth while. Today I am rinsing out bottles. We had a wine fest a week ago and I was able to pick up 28 cases of bottles for 2 bucks a case. Rinsing them out today and seperating by color. I will remove labels and clean as I need them. Getting the bottles from this one paticular winery the labels are not real awful to try and remove like some are. :b
A member of my wine club "Joeswine" made it and was awsome. I think he back sweetened it