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They are just about ready to introduce Wood Bison just north of here. These animals once roamed around here, 100 yrs ago or so.

The herd thy have here are, well have been in quarantine the last couple years. Hopefully the natives won't start blasting them for some un-undestandable rights they thing they have. It is exciting to think that a native animal here could be reintroduced to the land they once roamed.

There is a huge case going on right now in the Point Hope area where a bunch of hunters went out and killed a bunch of Caribou and left most of them to die alone on the tundra.(Alot, like 60 animals) There were pictures of the lil babies trying to nurse from there dead mothers. Absolutely makes me cry.

Of all people who we would expect to respect the land around them, it was the natives, well a few select fews, who broke the cardinal rule of respecting the land.

Damn shame, I hope they allow these bison to grow and prosper once again. It should be serious problems if anyone messes with this herd as they continue to repopulate.


I loved dances with wolves.. named my pet dog after that film. He saved me from a rapist when i had a 6 week old baby, behind glass at my front door. The guy never left my doorstep til i threatened to open the front door. I had a friend on the telephone. Refused to let her hang up. It was a horrible moment.

I loved dances with wolves.. named my pet dog after that film. He saved me from a rapist when i had a 6 week old baby, behind glass at my front door. The guy never left my doorstep til i threatened to open the front door.

nice. you should have opened it and then proceeded to yell, "attack!" rapists are some of the worst scum of the earth.

what kind of dog is/was it?
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nice. you should have opened it and then proceeded to yell, "attack!" rapists are some of the worst scum of the earth.

what kind of dog is/was it?

you have no idea.

he was a well trained 65 kilo mixed breed. Shepherd/Rottweiller.

lovely personality.

no rapists would get past him ;)
I love Elk but cant stand venison. Elk taste like elk. My Sister raises Buffalo and it is similar but not the same. It is my favorite meat
They are just about ready to introduce Wood Bison just north of here. These animals once roamed around here, 100 yrs ago or so.
That would be great if they were allowed to make a come back!
The herd thy have here are, well have been in quarantine the last couple years. Hopefully the natives won't start blasting them for some un-undestandable rights they thing they have. It is exciting to think that a native animal here could be reintroduced to the land they once roamed.

There is a huge case going on right now in the Point Hope area where a bunch of hunters went out and killed a bunch of Caribou and left most of them to die alone on the tundra.(Alot, like 60 animals) There were pictures of the lil babies trying to nurse from there dead mothers. Absolutely makes me cry.

Of all people who we would expect to respect the land around them, it was the natives, well a few select fews, who broke the cardinal rule of respecting the land.


:ot: Don't get me started on Native American hunting/fishing "rights", PLEASE!
All you have to do is read Lewis & Clark's Journal to understand how they "respected" the land. What do you expect from a collective culture that ran 1500 bison off a cliff, so they could collect just what they could carry, and move on?
Okay...nuff sed...:m
What does Elk taste like?

Is it like deer? (venison?)
Funny...I was going to compare elk to bison, also. :h At least I can't say it tastes like chicken.
It's nothing like venison. But I love venison, too. When I got to my current location, we were dirt poor, and 3 kids to feed. We've lived on venison almost exclusively for the past 7 years. I won't bore anyone with details, but as I'm butchering these first 3 deer we got this year, it dawned upon me why some folks dislike venison, or complain it tastes "gamey".
First of all, very few folks treat it right from the hoof to the table. But that's a whole other topic.
Secondly, deer fat is about the most disgusting thing a human can put in their mouth! Soap barely breaks it down...Heaven help you if you get a coat of it on the roof of your mouth! I am meticulous in removing all hard, white fat from my venison. Get rid of that deer fat, and Whitetail venison is like prime veal. Mule deer, not so much. Mule deer taste like whatever they ate last. If you are a fan of spruce bough tea, you'll have no problem with Mule deer venison. :)
deer from an apple orchard is always good, I live in a evergreen forest and deer eat evergreens and taste like it
deer from an apple orchard is always good, I live in a evergreen forest and deer eat evergreens and taste like it
If you're talking about Blacktails there on the West Side, I know what you mean! Blacktails and Muleys have basically the same diet. Even in the deep woods, Whitetails eat differently.
Out here, Whitetails and Mule Deer often share the same range. You can take both off the same ridge, and the flavor is quite different.

After realizing my memory was faulty about the Roosevelt ("Olympic") Elk being the same supspecies of wapiti, I did some checking. Basically, they migrated from Asia during the late Pleistocene Period, and the Roosevelt subspecies settled along the Cascade range, from B.C. to the Gulf of California. The Rocky Mountain wapiti developed throughout the Rocky Mountains, and the Eastern wapiti adapted to the East Coast and central plains. Because of the milder climate and abundant feed, the Roosevelt grows the largest. So...the Roosevelt wapiti actually is "native" to WA, OR, CA and British Columbia, west of the Cascades.
Back on Topic!

Time to get back on-topic!
What am I doing today? Racking my plum wine into the secondary. :ib

The rest of the day will be spent processing venison. :h
Just scored FREE Pears (Bartlett). After coring and slicing got 40+#'s FREE. Now freezing them.
Did I say they were FREE ! NO :mny
Damn! I just bought a couple pears the otherday, $1.79/lb.! As a fellow wine making addict, I repeat myself in saying, I envy you who are able to obtain these large enough amount of fruits to make wine with. And me, by February, I may start wondering if I can ferment cat food!!!!!!:se
How did you get pears at this time of year? Grocery store?
Crate says from the state of Washington. I got 2 crates ea had 100 ea. Of course I picked thru them and got what I said..
I've become a vampire apparently. I seem to be up all night and taking cat naps during the day. Will I end up making blood wine???:slp

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