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Our company is very strong and will survive. It is strong because they preact ahead of time and have long range plans to react to the economy. I reinterviewed for my position four time in the last 12 years each tme it changed. This time it is being eliminated. When you look at all the national businesses that have closed in the last five years because of poor management, you understand the "whys". Doesn't make it any easier though.
No it doesn't make it any easier just ticks me off that everyone else but the guy at the top who made "bad decision" suffers. If you look at the salary/benefit packages that some of CEO's get all they would have to do is take a 10% cut and that is small compared to what they are getting. The company would probably not be in too bad off.

I'm off to a Local Government Academy class today. That will occupy my day from 8-4 then home to check on the Tropical Breeze to see if anything started.
Off to work while the wife deals with frozen pipes and our heating guy. Minus 2 here this morning (not that that even makes Troy wince). We have heat on one floor at least.
Dan thats some nice looking wine you have there , I like your labels .I see you did a Gewurztraminer I have one clearing in the carboy and was thinkiing about making a piesporter but not sure if we would like it .I can't seem to find a commercial brand like it so we could try some before we made a batch .Is it similar to a riesling ?
Darlene, if you like the Gewurztraminer and riesling I think you'll like it just fine. Go for it! The kit comes with elder flowers that you add in the primary. This is our second kit. We like a semi dry/sweet wine. These are the first two wines I ever filtered. As I said in an earlier post they were perfectly clear. Amazingly, filtering from one carboy to another was really noticable, putting a shine and a sparkle into the wine. Again, I would not do this on all of them but if I think I might want to enter them in competition or if I am doing a few batches at a time (you could easily get 2-3 batches on a set of filters with clear wine) I would filter.
That sheep pic is great Dan.. could have called it 'ice ewe" ( I see you)

yeah crap joke.. moving right along..

Today I'm cooking lamb shanks casserole in my slowcooker. It's humid and hot here and they were a bargain at the supermarket because no one feels like cooking in this heat.

So Dan would you recommend the selection original over the vintners reserve for the piesporter ? We were thinking about the vintners reserve because we wanted something that would hold over waiting for others to age but if it's not worth it I'll buy the selection original and wait .
Well today I plan on putting on a OB - Raspberry White Zinfandel then work on cleaning out the closet i want to put my wine rack in .Seems like everytime I have time to work on it Hubby or our son is working nights & sleeping in the day so i can't because it will keep them awake . But today hubby is off and son is home sick with pneumonia (2 spots on his lungs this time ) so I can finally work on it . Plus be doctor Mom . Oh it's been a great couple days here son is sick and our aztek broke down yesterday when Hubby went to get the other son at school who just happened to have a migraine headache ,they had to walk home because I was out running errands .Found out this morning it's the transmission and is going to cost $1,600 to do the whole job thankfully they were able to get a used one to put in .So I'm going make lemonade out of my lemons today & work on the wine rack . Atleast it's nice and sunny here today .
Wow, Darlene... sounds like your February is starting off like our January. SWMBO and I have never been so glad to see a month end. I hope your bad luck doesn't carry on all month like ours did last month... got a partial settlement check in the mail from the insurance company of the idiot who hit me head-on in October. Maybe things have finally turned around.
Put on a RJS Orchard Breezin' Black Cherry Pinot Noir today... hope it turns out as nice as the Blackberry Merlot did.

Maybe now I can get the beer brewing.
Darlene, from here things can only get better I hope. January was pretty bad for a number of people including Wade and I with news we got. I had to do an orientation class today and have a lot more to do now with us hiring up for spring and people that knew I was going to lose my job in 60 days asked how I could do the orientations and still be upbeat about the company.
1. What good comes out of bad mouthing a company
2. We all have a choice to make when we get up in the moring and look in the mirror; either I am going to have a good day or I am going to be a ********!. How many people really want to chose to be the poophead?

ok enough on that.. I would always go with the Selection over the VR if you can affored it at the time. I have done many VR's that I have been happy with. I am not a wine snob as of yet with the aquired knowledge of wine to say I would never buy a VR. Other's on here will tell you don't buy Wine Expert but I won't mention Wades name. LOL The better kits are noticeably better though. I buy mostly Wine Experts only because of availability BUT when I get a chance to get a RJ Renolds product I do. I also like Heron Bay when possible.

I also buy juice when possible but have not made anyhting from scratch yet. Just a "kit kinda guy". can you tell?

Transfered some Raspberry/Apple from frozen Juice into secondary.

Trying to figure out hoe to make wine labels now.

Made one and saved it as a word document but it won't let me add other information like fruit and date.
Transfered some Raspberry/Apple from frozen Juice into secondary.

Trying to figure out hoe to make wine labels now.

Made one and saved it as a word document but it won't let me add other information like fruit and date.

Try double clicking inside the label. You might have a text box within the label.

Dan thanks for the info and good thoughts you also Bill . Well my break is over back to the closet mess .
rearranging the house.. need to get rid of some furniture..

too cluttered.


Finally figured out how to do it. :slp

Then my smart a**ed baby sister (age 55) had to tell me I did't capitolize the B in bottled. It is her sacred duty to give me crap.

label 3 copy.jpg
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Finally figured out how to do it. :slp

Then my smart a**ed baby sister (age 55) had to tell me I did't capitolize the B in bottled. It is her sacred duty to give me crap.

Boyd, did your smart a**ed babysitter mention anything about "wienery"?:slp

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