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While the bird was roasting Sweetheart and I worked on re-wiring the electrical in the barn and the cabin. Cabin is going to be my playhouse...uh I meant winemaking area and She Shed :)
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner with our friends who live a few doors down from us. We were in the process of helping clean up when our fire siren went off for a confirmed structure fire in a neighboring community. Sad that the family lost everything on a day that we give thanks for the things we have. There was no loss of human life but at least 2 pets perrished in the fire.
What wine is everyone pairing with the turkey and stuffing today?

My brother in law showed up with a bottle of 2007 Pride Cabernet. He and my dad both buy direct from them every year. It was working, and having several bottles himself, Dad decided we should just stick with that all day. I did sneak in a half glass of Cupcake Chardonnay that was going into the gravy though - good palate cleanser. :) Actually, for an inexpensive Chard, it was pretty nice.
Working from home a little, beginning the Christmas decorating and going for a run. Also going to re-pitch MLB on my Cab Sauv. Getting together with some high school friends tonight - should be lots of trash talking and beer drinking. :dg
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner with our friends who live a few doors down from us. We were in the process of helping clean up when our fire siren went off for a confirmed structure fire in a neighboring community. Sad that the family lost everything on a day that we give thanks for the things we have. There was no loss of human life but at least 2 pets perrished in the fire.

Glad to hear there was no human lost but really sad they lost the pets!
Going to attend my 35th High School reunion. Not sure what to expect, I think the last one I was at was my 10th or maybe 15th. Looked through the old yearbook and put it away. I'll never remember names, I rarely can remember what I ate the day before. Taking the better half so I have someone to talk to and drink a few glasses of wine with. I was in kindergarten with one of the organizers, so I'll know him, never met his wife that I remembered. Guess I shouldn't worry so much, just go and have a good time. Will probably run into another fellow wine maker and talk shop all night and bore the crap out of my wife. (Did that yesterday afternoon with my older brother who occasionally makes wine).
Licking my wounds. Friends you've had for 30+ years, a designated driver and a kegerator can be a lethal combination. :D
Not what I wanted to !!

I wanted to go out metal detecting today. But.... yesterday I dug some post holes. I had to use the excavator due to frozen ground.

I didn't think my old shovel would work well in frozen ground and the excavator is to heavy to hang on my belt......:slp Nap time.... :sl
Just got home from a birthday weekend away from home. My wife took me to a very nice B&B, where we patronized the Mercer and Lawrence county wine trail. We picked up some Peanut Butter and Chocolate Apple Cider which was pretty interesting. After a great dinner last night and a buffet brunch this morning, we drove home to beat the holiday travel rush.
making tasting notes on some of my now aged wine, yer, am also am getting drunk at the same time lol
You may have seen the amazing Hail Mary pass from Aaron Rodgers to Richard Rodgers last night after time expired to vault the Packers over the Lions. Our fair city is still abuzz about it.

So, today I fielded a request from one of the local news stations to analyze A-Rod's pass from a physics perspective. Sometime around right now, a piece will be playing on the news of me making a calculation to determine the velocity of the pass (57 mph) and the height of the ball at its highest point (71'). I determined this from two pieces of information: the distance of the throw (70 yards) and the hang time of the throw (4.2 seconds).

Here is the video of the play. (Not of the interview!)
Getting ready for the Christmas Boat Parade tonight. Chilling bottles of my french Rose' and fixing snacks, temps are in the 70's and the sky is clear should be a great night.


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