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This is NOT my time for grilling/smoking anything!!!

I opened the smoker to fill the charcoal tray ... only to find a very active wasp nest hanging off the side, with several wasps on it!!!

Got out the wasp spray, managed to get the smoker door back open with a sand separator (beach tool, round screen for shaking sand off items picked up on the beach), and sprayed the nest well. Waited 20 minutes, still 2 wasps buzzing around. In a lull period I pulled the tray out with said tool, scraping the nest off. Used the sand tool to pick up the nest and fling it.

Now I'm waiting to see if the wasps return.

Dinner may be a bit later than planned ... ;)
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Where’s the fun in that? I would have lit a fire and watch the fun ensue!

I carry an epipen too. Maybe I wouldn’t do that after all.
One landed and I got him with spray. The other finally gave up, and the charcoal is burning.
At 4 PM I checked the temperature on the smaller bird (5 lbs), and it was lower than desired. So ... I put a disposable aluminum pan on the gas grill, filled it half way with boiling water, put a rack on top, and put the bird on it. All 5 burners on low produces just under 350 F. 35 minutes later the bird was up to temp. 45 minutes later the larger bird (6 lbs) was done (it got the same treatment). Success all around!
Cleared the back deck of chairs, tables, BBQs and outdoor play stuff this morning before it got too hot. We have a crew starting demo on it tomorrow morning. Switching from the wood planking to Trex. They're using the existing support frame, just adding a joist between each existing one so that they're 12" on center per Trex requirements. We're also expanding the far end an additional 10 feet so new finished size will be 50'x10'. The new section won't be covered so we can put some plants in that section and also thinking of making an outdoor kitchen in part of it.
At 4 PM I checked the temperature on the smaller bird (5 lbs), and it was lower than desired. So ... I put a disposable aluminum pan on the gas grill, filled it half way with boiling water, put a rack on top, and put the bird on it. All 5 burners on low produces just under 350 F. 35 minutes later the bird was up to temp. 45 minutes later the larger bird (6 lbs) was done (it got the same treatment). Success all around!
I thought about getting a rotisserie when I bought my gas grill. Opted not to but don’t remember why. I cooked a 5.5lb chicken on it on Friday using indirect heat and multiple probes with Bluetooth monitoring. Added smoke via a smoke box. I was amazed at how easy it was and how good it came out. Only did one bird tho.

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