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I was talking to my daughter yesterday (girls like to talk :rolleyes:) and she asked me about my wine, I of course told her about my blackberry wine and that I was going to rent a press to press the fruits in a few days.

This lunchtime a box arrived …

After I assembled it, I checked the instructions to make sure I had assembled it correctly and proceeded to make a base and extra blocks from offcuts that I have lying around. I can still hear my father saying, “Don’t throw away offcuts son, you never know when you will need them.” and I can see him now, saying nothing but nodding and smiling approvingly 😊

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I knew my investment in having kids would be worth it :db
I think I have the same press. Great for grapes, not so for apples.
My wife and I went to see one of the funniest comedians i have ever heard. Look for him on DryBar Comedy and else where. Brad Upton from the Seattle area. Everyone in the audience laughed and laughed so hard our faces hurt. Then he did around afterwards taking pictures for probably an hour or longer.

Ps. I take horrible selfies. Never can smoke for some reason. Probably age related.
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Absolutely love drybar comedy, Brad is one of the best!
After contorting yourself into that space ... howinthuheck did you reach your phone to answer it??? I'm impressed! ;)

Well maybe I exagerated, a 10 year old could possibly fit ;) And to answer your question - Bluetooth! :p:h

I think I have the same press. Great for grapes, not so for apples.

It's a 6L, very small but I will only be using it for soft fruits and at the end of fermentation so it should be OK for me until I start getting ambitious :i
Well maybe I exagerated, a 10 year old could possibly fit ;) And to answer your question - Bluetooth! :p:h

It's a 6L, very small but I will only be using it for soft fruits and at the end of fermentation so it should be OK for me until I start getting ambitious :i
I plan on getting an all metal one for the apples. Freezing may taint the excellent cider we produce, it just takes longer currently with the wood press.
I plan on HINTING that I'm going to buy a metal one :i

I’m with you! Just waiting until the wife says I’m spending too much on wine supplies.

OK, my new hobby is going restoring vintage Porsche’s, I’ll need a complete set of metric tools.
No wait, I’ll get back into cycling, first thing is to get a $10k titanium bike.
No too strenuous, I’ll go back to golf, my clubs are junk, $2000 there, plus lessons.
I’ve always wanted to collect vintage guitars, wait, wait, there’s so much to do...
Crushed and pressed homegrown Regent to make a Rose. Chaptalized to SG 1.085 from SG 1.073. Will ferment with 71B yeast.

Pressed my Black Iris Port at SG 1.000 through the Regent skins in my bladder press and then raised the SG to 1.030 with cane sugar (fermenting on EC-1118)

Pressed my Framboise (Raspberry) at 1.000 through the Regent skins and Black Iris seeds (fermenting on 71B)

Only grapes left to process are Marechal Foch which I'll try to leave until the SG gets to 1.090+

On Saturday we'll grind and press Russet apples together with thawed from frozen homegrown white wine grapes ~SG 1.073.
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