What vegetables can wine be made from

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Had a bag of Merlot spring a leak at the store:slp, so I dumped it into a fermenter..now sitting in the back room doing its thing.

At home, two batches of Norton, from 2010 and 2011.
I have only been making wine for about 10 months.

Started with a costco cheap sangiovese/shiraz (very thin - barely drinkable - made a few mistakes starting out) - started out with the Shiraz - not good - the Sangiovese was much better.

Winekitz Ultimate Estate Reserve -
Piersporter (May 2011 & march 2012)
Pinot Grigio
Gamay Bergamais
Cabernet Sauvignon

Traditional Vintage
Merlot Blush

Country Mist
Island Mist
Strawberry White Merlot

In carboy :
Winekitz UER
Australian Chardonnay
Vieux Chateau de Roi

In Primary:
Niagara Mist
Black Cherry Pinot Noir
Cheeky Monkey
Last edited:
Just started my first batch.

Rieslin Ice wine

In primary
Cream Sherry

In carboy
Fresh pear wine

Future projects
Beer kit - Brewers Spring Lager
Started a batch of Loquat early Feb. This has turned out to be a lot of work. I picked about three gallon
of Loquats late Jan. Washed and removed seeds, managed to cut myself on the very first one, and with a
very sharp knife that I had just sharpened. Anyway I managed to freeze 8 lbs. Thawed them out a couple
of weeks later and ran them through the blender with just a couple of pulses and poured in nylon bag.
They had turned very brown in the freezer.
Added water to just over the 2 gallon mark, acid blend, campden tablets, nutrient, and pectic enzyme,
and sugar to 1.083. Waited 24 hours and added Cote Des Blanc yeast. Had fermentation in less than 24
hours. Was down to 1.010 in 4 days. I squeezed the bag and removed and put liquid in carboy with
airlock. It slowed down in another 4 days and had tons of lees. Was really too thick to get an accurate
SG reading at this time. I racked at this time holding the cane just above the lees. Was a terrible odor at
this time, everything was very brown and smelled of rotten eggs. Almost dumped it, but got to reading
here on the forum and decided to try to save it. I have been splash racking every week or so ever since, I
mean from bucket to bucket several times each racking lots of foam and guess what, the smell is
almost gone, even got up enough nerve to taste it today, not too bad.
I have to get this stuff in bottles before the end of May. We are leaving for Wisconsin for the summer.
Have read here about stirring with a copper pipe. Is this something I should do frequently or only once,
and should it sit for awhile before bottling?
I have back sweetened it to 1.008, stabilized and added super kleer, it looks nice. And surprisingly no
sigh of any oxidation.
Any ideas what caused the odor? I used the same yeast in a batch of Pineapple earlier and it was super. I
have access to tons of loquats, but unless this turns our super I doubt I will be doing this againl
My 2011's from left to right......... Cranberry Pee, Cherry Pee, Sweet Concord, Dry Concord, Dandelion Honey Date, Skeeter Pee, Blueberry Pomegranete White

Currently have 12 gallons of Cherry to bottle, 5 gallons of Skeeter Pee clearing. First time doing the Skeeter Pee. Put in 4 pounds of mixed berries, fermented really easy just waiting to back sweeten and bottle. Voignier recently bottled. And 2 kits waiting to start. Wine Experts Traminer Spatlese Gewurtz and Petite Syrah/Zinfandel.. And a few beer kits as well. need more time.

niagra mist wild berry
niagra mist blackcherry
niagra mist tropical fruit
6 gallons strawberry

seconadry and aging

16 gallons blackberry from wild fruit
niagra mist wild berry
niagra mist blackcherry
5 gallon loquat from wild fruit
12 gallons concord grape from concentrate
6 gallon strawberry
5 gallons strawberry/watermellon

in the works

12 gallons elderberry from wild fruit
5 more gallons blackberry
I am in the process of making wild Plum wine,it is in the secondary working away.Hope it turns out fine.
not brewin'

I moved to Turkey and put ALL of my brewing equipment into storage thinking it wouldn't be such a good idea to brew in a Muslim country. I am missing out on a tremendous opportunity! There is so much fantastic fruit in Turkey. Sad but, I'll get back to brewin' in 17 months. :wy
feeling your pain

bombs as an exploding 1 gallon growler in my bedroom after backsweeting and putting a screw on cap on it, thank god it wasnt a red wine. from now on bubbler goes back on them for a few days and keep them out of bedroom.
LOL I find this hysterical. My husband and I were sitting in the living room one evening watching tv. We heard what we thought was a back fire. HA! No such luck. One of our wines exploded all over the place. What a complete mess of wine, glass and stickingness. My sympathies to you.
I moved to Turkey and put ALL of my brewing equipment into storage thinking it wouldn't be such a good idea to brew in a Muslim country. I am missing out on a tremendous opportunity! There is so much fantastic fruit in Turkey. Sad but, I'll get back to brewin' in 17 months. :wy

It probably is a good idea that you are not making wine in a muslin country but would you be able to dry the fruit and take it with you when you leave?
good idea

It probably is a good idea that you are not making wine in a muslin country but would you be able to dry the fruit and take it with you when you leave?

I didn't think of drying. Excellent idea as the sun is brilliant down there. Thanks.
I didn't think of drying. Excellent idea as the sun is brilliant down there. Thanks.

LOL, you should be able to dry quite a lot of fruit and once you are able to go back to winemaking be very busy.
OMG What a Mess

I picked up 4 Chilean pails on Thursday. I removed the lids and added a pound of golden raisins to each. I planned of adding GoFerm and my own yeast on Friday night after it came up to room temp, but I was too tired and sore from work. This moring I went down to play and this is what greeted me. It just couldn't wait any longer.




I still went ahead and added the Goferm and yeast today and then revoved about a qt from each pail to avoid any further messes. When it gets down to about 1.02 I'll add super ferment an mlf culture and rack to carboys.
lol, well that is what you get for being a slacker! what did you get? are these from luva bella or from presque isle?