I started this glorious hobby this year. So far I have only dealt with skeeter pee to kind of get my feet wet before I start making wine from my own grapes. I have been very pleased with how things have turned out and all the support and help from everyone here! I feel like part of a HUGE family!!!! Well, here is what I have made, bottled, and what is on the list make:
Skeeter Pee
Dragon's Blood
Strawberry Pee
Dragon's Blood
On the List:
Muscadine Wine (from my own vines)
Lime Skeeter Pee
Grape Skeeter Pee
Blue Raspberry Skeeter Pee
Muscadine Skeeter Pee (My first using a slurry)
A Type of Sangria (Don't know what fruits just yet)