Let me make another case for my Option #4 (get a destemmer and press).
Let me paint a mental picture..
Crush Day...
It is early in the AM on a clear warm autumn day.
You rise, grab that first cup of coffee, and head outside to survey how you have set things up the night before. You see a slight mist of fog, but are content knowing that the sun will chase that fog away and provide the last remaining autumn's warmth.
You smile as you glance over at the grapes you purchased to day before. You tasted them and know that, this year, the wine will be superb.
You finish your last sip of coffee, and head back into the house to grab another one. While in the kitchen, you grab the bagels and assorted things that you plan to set out for your guests. Just then, the doorbell rings, announcing that the first of the crew of family and friends have arrived. Each is carrying a dish of food which is their contribution to the feast later that day.
Now that you have a crew, you are ready to begin. You start by hosing down the equipment and then giving everything a nice spritz of K-meta. The crew knows what to do. They have come every year and no longer need to be told what to do. Without any word, the crew begins by sorting through the grapes, removing any leaves or foreign matter. From there, the grapes are carried to the destemmer.
You have to keep from dancing when you get that first whiff of heaven. That glorious aroma that comes rises up as soon as the grapes are dumped into the destemmer. You marvel in the hypnotic rhythm of the grapes passing through the rollers and screen, and the splat-splat-splat of the newly formed must as it is deposited into a waiting tote.
You then take a moment to survey the fact that all around you are having a great, unique time. In short order, all of the grapes have been processed, and everything has been cleaned and put away. You see that the good times continue. You reward all of your hard workers by opening the best of your past vintages. After a quick toast to this year's vintage, you herd all of the folks to the patio for a late lunch. Good times and laughs continue as more and more corks get pulled.
After everybody has stuffed themselves, you gather to a tent that you have set up (a 30'X10' pop up) for more wine and cigars. Someone has brought a guitar and the next hours are spent singing and having a great time.
The party breaks up in the wee hours of the morning. You yell "see you next week for the pressing!" and you know that they are more than willing to come next week. You happily turn in and dream of the wine to come....
I vote for option #4!